
How can i get used to being alone? I hate it?

by  |  earlier

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I hate being alone but i always am alone and can never get used to it. I feel depressed when I'm alone and sometimes, i don't know why, I feel like I'm in a state of panic and am in a nightmare when i am alone for a long time. How can i get over this? I'm not scared of being alone i just don't understand why i feel this way.




  1. I know how you feel. I've always had great people, but I'd lose them in one way or the other. It's because humans are supposed to socialize and have company. You'll get used to it in time and it won't keep feeling this way.

  2. It is natural to feel that you want to be around others a certain percentage of the time.  You seem like you have too much time alone.  Being alone in moderation is a good thing that you can only appreciate if you socialize a lot.  It sounds like you need a friend or two.  People have told me about functions for people that are single or just lonely where you can meet others.  Church is a good place to meet people and go to regular functions.  You don't have to be a hard core christian to go to church.  Many people do it because it feels good to worship with others.  I think you should go to church and keep an open mind about the whole thing.  You can still believe what you want.

  3. I have that fear also.The fear of being alone and no one caring.If you have ever visited a nursing home then you will know what being alone is really like.Most of these people are elderly and all there family have passed away.It is very sad.The way I handle it myself is to pray and to help out others as much as possible in this world even if it is just answering question on Yahoo.Or sending someone a card to let them know you are thinking of them.THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT.God bless you and I hope you get over this fear.

  4. It's the feeling vulnerable that is hard.

    Keep busy.  I have work all day and activities / classes / club  meetings some evenings, so I'm not entirely alone much of the time. I have a cat for company who doesn't demand a lot of attention, just to be fed, and a dog to bring for walks and who will alert me of someone approaching which I might find disconcerting late at night.  With the two animals around, I don't feel so alone or vulnerable, and of course I can always invite friends or family members to come and visit and stay from time to time.  It's been this way a long time. Short of finding a new partner, it will continue that way.  I'm coping

  5. Sweetie, Are you spending too much time alone because you want to or are your fears keeping you there....Why are you alone so much...Do you have family or friends that you can spend some time with? If you do not, I suggest getting out a little more. Go out and meet some nice people, get to know others...Go do some things that you enjoy where you may meet some friends with similar interests. Being alone for too long is not good if it is depressing you. I am so sorry that you are feeling lonely...You must do something about this if you are depressed. Could you seek out someone to do some free counseling like through your workplace. Most jobs have employee assistance programs where you can for free go and talk to someone about problems or concerns in your life. It is totally anonymous and your employers will not have access to your name that you went to see someone there. They only get a form that tells how many employees have used this names are attached to it...Please do something to make yourself feel better and supported  through this very difficult time for you.......You do not have to be alone in this....((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) to you my friend...If you need a friend to talk to, please email me..I would be most happy to talk to you some more ......Linda

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