
How can i get used to my new tablet?

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Are there any tutorials i can try?

Are there specific settings i can use to make it easier?




  1. Depending on the program you are using to draw with it, there may be settings you can change to have the pen better fit the way you draw - try looking for the preferences menu. Photoshop and Painter both have this option.

    What problems are you experiencing? The disconnect between the tablet and screen for someone who is used to watching their hand, not the screen, while they draw can be disconcerting. If that's causing you problems, try starting with something simpler, like just using it to navigate your computer, or colouring scanned hand-drawn sketches, so you get used to using it. This should make it easier when you use it to draw.

    It's really just a matter of practice, though.

  2. PRACTICE.  It's pretty much the only way.

    Also, if you have Vista, make sure pen flicks are turned off.  That caused me a lot of trouble and lag when I first started using it on my new computer.  

    The suggestion about isketch is a good one too, as it doesn't feel like practice since you're playing a game.

    And there are loads and loads of tutorials out there for digital painting/drawing in general. I'd recommend browsing through deviantart's supply.  Running through basic tutorials on coloring and painting with image programs will help you practice with the tablet, AND learn how to use it for artwork.

  3. i like 2 play isketch in my free time 2 practice

    it's just an online drawing game

    u draw something and people guess what it is

    u get points depending on the number of people who guess right in the given amount of time

    my tablet and i have a good relationship now  

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