
How can i get vampire powers without being bitten?

by  |  earlier

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oh and i dont want to drinkblood to servive or die from the sun

real answers please




  1. There should be a filter process for the questions put on here. Get serious!!

  2. put on some fangs and a cape, sleep in a coffin, pretend all your life, and maybe some vampires will accept you into their cult.

  3. do you want to become a vampire in real life? if so than you are a loser. if you want to gain vampire powers in a video game than there is no other way to gain the powers of a vampire if you are not bit by one.

  4. Sorry, dont think there is another way

  5. are you on crack?!?!? any drugs involvedd?? i mean really. get to the program. there is no such thing as a vampire! get it rightt. woww.. i am amazedd that ur a freakk

  6. You don't die from the sun, they avoid light because theur eyes and skin are somewhat sensitive, they generally have to drink blood to survive.

    And to answer your question: you can't

  7. Supposedly with enough training in chakra manipulation and a little ki you can learn to drain others of their chakras, but I do not know if non-psi vampires can suddenly absorb others chakra and begin to use it.

  8. what your thinking is the guy from Blade, he was one in a million, not all vampires can be like him

    your mother would have had to be bitten while giving birth

    and why would you want to become a vampire if your not into blood?

  9. Go to a store buy some plastic vampire teeth and walk around like you are crazy!!

  10. Vampires are not like those in the movies or books, we don't drain unwilling victims of their blood. We have kind people who are called donors and they give us the blood or energy we need. Vampires are people who have energy deficiency and need to get that energy by taking it from other people. We don't die in the sun, can't fly, no super powers, can cross running water, garlic, holy water and the cross don't phase us (because we are not demons we are just different to normal people), we can see better at night than in the day, heightened senses, we do age(just not as fast) and we aren't immortal. Being bitten doesn't make you a vampire you have to be born one. Your parents don't have to be one.

  11. You can't even become a vampire if someone does bite you. There's no such things as vampires. (Or werewolves or mermaids or fairies)

  12. haha

  13. LSD? You'll get the powers, then die the next day,but hey it was fun while it would have super strength, the ability to not feel pain and you might bite people....but in all seriousness don't take it.

    You logically couldn't get vampire powers without turning into one and real vampires can go out in the sun and don't have to drink blood because they are fetishes...

    There are people who call themselves vampires who have a blood fetish however there are also people who call themselves vampires metaphorically.They are referred to as psychic vampires because they drain others of energy, like a mythological vampire would drain someone of their blood.


  15. ur an idiot

  16. Go to party palace and buy the costume.  You might not have the powers, but if you believe you do, then that's good enough sometimes.

  17. dream.

  18. Sorry kid, but you're out of luck. Being bitten won't even give you our strengths or weaknesses. I really can't think of any way you could get them without being born with them.

    I'm supposing you're thinking of our more entertaining abilities? Seeing in the dark, a bit of extra strength, hiding like gods, etc. Well, the first one could work out to be a bit difficult, but the rest just take practice.

    I would suggest finding a nice sang friend, and asking him or her to teach you a trick or two. DON'T ask them to turn you, they'd probably laugh at you.

  19. you cant. for one thing, vampires do not have super powers, i should know, my entire family are vampires, second, you cant become a vamp by being bitten, you have to be born one, and third, they dont die in the sun. that is a real answer, written my me to kindly inform you and give you information about what you want. im not bashing you, im giving you info about vampires, so respect that and stop supporting the stereotypes of vamps.

  20. You should see a psyciatrist.

  21. I hear that if you climb up into the Belfry of the old Clock and Bell Tower; at just the right time on the stroke of midnight; then stick your head on the inside of the bell and let it clang away for at least two minutes, you will find yourself empowered. Also you must 'chant' these magic words; "Nobody knows duh trouble I been, nobody knows my sorrow". You go on now & let us know how you turn out & remember "Don't let duh sun catch you crying.

  22. im sorry to burst your bubble, but vampires are not real, so this whole i wanna be a vampire thing can't be done.

  23. You have to go to Atlantis where the king mermaid will take you in and bestow upon you his golden trident. Then you ride the sea unicorn up to land and consult with the froggy demons where they tell you to go to Mars.

    There you will meet some aliens who take you to their home planet to do some research on your body, and then they drop you off at earth. At this point, you have fangs. But you want more don't you?

    So you have to consult with the three blind mice, and they will point you to Jack's beanstalk. Eat four beans from the beanstalk (but beware of the giant) and the beans will give you superhuman hearing and vision. But you want more don't you?

    So as you slide down the beanstalk, make a quick stop at a cloud. Chat with your old pal Jesus for a while and if he sees fit, he'll allow you to go down to h**l (chaperoned of course). The devil will talk to you and feed you his famous devil cakes (soooo good, but soooo fatty!). If you can stomach three of his devil cakes, he will give you the power to fly and turn into bats. But you want more don't you?

    The last step of the journey is to go to the back caverns of h**l and talk to the tortured souls. If you can manage to shake hands with ten of them before the devil catches you, they will give you the power to bite people and drink their blood.

    So there you go. Good luck!

  24. What kind of "powers" do vampires have?

  25. There is no other way, idiot. The only way you can do it is to be bitten. It doesn't take a dummy to know that.

  26. No way it could happen. You would have to find some type of magic spell for that from a witch.

  27. ??? I don't know???

  28. if your mother was bitten while she was pregnant you would have all the Vampire skills and you could walk in Sunlight

  29. your a double idiot

  30. Well vampires aren't real. But if you really believe, your imagination will become a reality for you.

  31. are you...high, drunk, all of the above??

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