
How can i give up chocolate? any tips?

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ive tried keeping a journal of when i indulge, its normally when I'm bored or stressed.




  1. Unless you're allergic, I'd say just cut down, don't give it up!

    Try switching to dark choc, which is healthier, and go for mini choc. chips.  Just a few chips should satisfy your craving.  Also, if you freeze them, they will last longer in your mouth, thus you'll eat less!

  2. I started eating healthy a while ago and subsituted chocolate (and I was a biggggggggg fan) for raisins and currents... granted im now addicted to these things instead but id rather do that then run 20 miles every day! And now my appitite has changed and I actually dont want chocolate anymore (especially now im fat in take conscious) Good luck :)

  3. chocolate slavery

    it contains lots of sugar - it makes you fat, it increases chances of having a heart disease, you can get diabetes.

    I replaced chocolate with carob spread.

  4. well, if you're trying to go on a diet and you love chocolate, just run around your neighborhood a little bit more or something. just because you love something and you're on a diet doesn't always mean you have to give it up! or just substitute it with something healthier that you love! that was, you'll stay healtier and be happy!

  5. Don't buy any to store. As long as there is a bar in the house then it is impossible to say no.

      If you wake at 2 in the morning with the urge, and there's none to lay your hands on, you'll soon find something else to nibble on. Just try to get used to something healthier, habits are habits. Some are good, some can kill

  6. go to they have alkinds of info

  7. Walden Farms makes a calorie-free, sugar-free, and carb-free chocolate dip that is absolutely AMAZING!!!!! I can't have sugars because I'm diabetic and I cannot tell the difference between that and the real thing. They make countless products that are indulgent, delicious, and guilt free!!!! This company is a life saver!

    Check out some of their products:

  8. find something else to eat that you like just as much. theres to much sugar in chocolate :P

  9. You tend to crave chocolate when your body is depleted of magnesium.  Take a multi-supplement and your cravings may go away.

    Exercise when you're bored.  If that doesn't appeal to you, reading a book is always fun.  Or find something else to do during the time you would normally munch.

  10. Dont buy chocolate for the house - if its not there, you wont eat it.  

    Also, if its when at work you buy chocolate, make sure you have a healthy snack with you instead, and no change so you're not tempted to buy it from the machine.

    If you buy it with your lunch each day, then try taking your own lunch so you dont need to go to the shop.

  11. Substitute chocolate with something that has less calories and still tastes like chocolate like a cup of chocolate milk but still you can eat chocolate sometimes  don't give it up completely  

  12.   Eat small but often.I used to eat chocolate everyday but now i am in a routine of eating throughout the day.I eat fruit, make sure i have breakfast,lunch and dinner and keep myself busy.Now i really don't care about chocolate!

  13. stop cramming it in your gob at every opportunity you greedy person.(now surely thats not a violation)

  14. I just watched this show with all natural chocolate that all the stars are eating and it like right from the cocoa bean

  15. lol ur brave to give it up. check out this link,it has some nice tips

  16. I have a "plan" that works for me. Whenever I'm about to grab a chocolate bar or really anything unnecessary, I count my age.  Think to yourself "Do I really need this? Am I eating because I'm bored or I'm truly hungry?" After you're done counting, make your decision and congratulate yourself later! Hope I helped! :D

  17. substitute chocolate with something that also tast nice and isnt as bad :


  18. you can have those mini lava cakes that are only 150 calories. YOu deserve the right to indulge! Cherish everything you eat!

  19. try sugar free fat free chocolate pudding

    or fat free milk with sugar free hersheys syrup or 100 calorie packs of any chocolate stuff

    i dont think its possible to give up chocolate, thats crazy talk!

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