
How can i go about filing a complaint or suit aganinst a repair shop theat made my car worse than before

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How can i go about filing a complaint or suit aganinst a repair shop theat made my car worse than before




  1. Why don't you start with the shop. Believe it or not, we are not all "out to get you". If you honestly feel they made a mistake, then go speak with them (calmly) about it. Chances are if they did something wrong, they will be willing to make it right. Any given technician in any given shop works on a number of vehicles each day, and we are only human, sometimes, mistakes are made, but we like to stand behind our work and make right anything we do wrong.

  2. All businesses are licensed by either consumers affairs or better business bureau. Your state attorney can also help you.

  3. BBB or state consumer affairs dept...for better have another shop write up what the 1st shop did wrong...without paperwork you'll get to try to work with the shop.

  4. First, take your car to be inspected by another reputable repair shop for an in depth analysis of the repair work. After that you can call in a complaint with your local Better Business Bureau, you can also sue them in small claims court if they won't correct the problem. I do believe you have to give the shop up to 3 attempts to make good on the repairs though. You should definitely call your local BBB and find out what the laws are in your neck of the woods.

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