
How can i go on with no one talks to me at school?

by Guest55671  |  earlier

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im just such a loner...i mean i sit with a few people during lunch but im ignored.

i hate this.

i just dont think i fit in with these people....

im sick of sitting at home during the weekends

and im sick of feeling alone and lonely




  1. omg i have the same prob i hate pople like tht dont u!

  2. No need to feel bad about it , break the ice with some people at your school i'm sure you'll find someone who appreciates who you are and then you take it from there .

  3. I have the same problem, and I just had to toughen up and get used to it. It doesn't bother me so much to be alone anymore, although sometimes I still feel bitter about it... I mean, I hope you have better luck then me, but don't let it get to you too much if you don't.

  4. We live in The Matrix. No, we really do! Everything we perceive in this world...our whole life and experience is highly subjective. But the great part about it is we are both Neo and Smith, and the Architect: we have ultimate control over what goes on in this "Matrix" of ours. How we act is based on perception: I was nervous interviewing this guy in front of the class but soon I realized everyone loved us and we both had a great time!

    There is nothing bad about you, nothing that doesn't fit in. Just trust yourself and see things in a different way. Give it some time: find a best buddy you can unwind with no matter what. Realy, if you think about it we all descended from the same family of people ("Lucy", our get the point....grandmother) who survived the Stone Age. We're all a family, we've just grown rather large and unwieldly! We're all survivors!

    If someone ignores you it's not your fault. Just keep trying. With the right mindset you can be happy, productive, have great friends...and yes, dodge bullets and do amazing martial arts tricks. Hope it helps!

  5. u can talk to mee :D

    good luck

  6. Look for people who seem to have the same interests as you, although it will be a bit awkward at first, say hello to them and try to talk to them.  Ask if you can sit with them at lunch, and just say a few things to a couple people each day.  make it your goal that you'll say....10 things to 6 people, [4 things for each person] during the week. (oh..and be sure to smile =] ) Keep changing the number in your goal.  eventually people will start to notice you and maybe you'll find friends in people that you never expected would share your same interests.  :D hope I helped...and good luck!

    please answer my question..;...

  7. Find people with similar interests and break some ice like that.

    wow "Lib" got her answer in before me. but atleast i've seconded her idea

  8. i have the same problem as youu, just stay strong, force yourself out of your comfort zone. thats what i've been trying to do.  as hard as it is to talk to new people, FORCE yourself to, don't let yourself hold back, and you feel SO good, trust me!  you'll be on your way to making friends.  now i just have to take my own advice a little more and see how it works out.  good luck!

    When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, never give up then, for that is just the time that the tide will turn.

    -- Harriet Beecher Stowe

  9. Just be yourself. Compliment someone and be funny. Do what you would want other people to say to you

    Hope it works out =]

    I would be your friend lol no homo XD

  10. Do your best to find someone else who needs a friend.  One close friend is better than hanging out with kids who could turn on you for a whim.  

    For more activities try joining some clubs.  If your not athletic, musical or into drama.  Try yearbook club, or something like the United nations or MADD (mothers against drunk drivers) clubs.  They usually have some good people in them.

    Be friendly with the new kids, maybe you will find someone who is feeling shy and intimidated by a new school and would love to have a friend like you.

    If all else fails, keep in mind that school doesn't last forever, college is easier than high school and adulthood is what you make of it.

  11. YOU need to make a move NOT them!! Talk to someone new 4 a change .

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