
How can i grow up my hight? right now I am 5.3 and 24 year old.?

by Guest58061  |  earlier

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how can i grow up my hight ? right now i am 5'3" and 24 year old. Can any body help or suggest me?




  1. Well as per age, you are pretty much done... but start playing games like Basket ball, Badminton...they might help.

  2. There's nothing realistic you can do about your height, you're probably finished growing. All you can do is enjoy being short and wear clothes that flatter your height.

  3. Nope... there is nothing on the market that helps you grow so please don't waste your money on lotions, potions and gadgets.  You are 24 yrs old... you are long done with growing.  You should be happy with yourself and love yourself... height is not everything.

  4. ummm your done growing pretty much. Put on some high heels.  

  5. Do exercise as per the physician instruction and take groundnut atleast 50 grms. a day and you will get little improvement

  6. Try some stretching!

  7. If u want to increase ur height then tell to your Mom to give Complain in the morning

  8. Adults stop growing at age 21 years. You wont get any taller but as you get older you will get shorter.

  9. it may sound funny.... but

    u can hang by a tree...

    it will help.. really

  10. Your not gonna get any taller, sorry to be the one to break it to you.  I'm freaking 19 and i haven't hit 5' and I'm not going to get any taller.  Your just gonna have to accept it

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