
How can i handle my little sister?

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i totally despair. i know she's my little sister and im meant to love her but sometimes i really would love to kill her.

- she blackmails me.

- she tells people bad stuff about me.

- she tells my friends ive been talking behind their backs.

- she tells my mom if i do something slightly against the rules.

- she wakes me up in the morning.

- she hits me and swears at me, most of the time i dont retaliate but if i do i always get the blame. i just cant bring myself to tell on her. that just seems childish to me.

- she's an angel in front of adults so if i were to say anything theyd just brush me off.

- shes constantly putting me down.

shes coming to my school soon and i know shes going to make my life h**l.




  1. Honestly she likely needs more of your understanding ...

    Sure you can't let her 'get away with anything' and you'll always have to be on the lookout for her trying to wrap you around her little finger ....

    But's possible that just 'something' is getting at her ... and she's having trouble *somewhere* in her life, likely, or she's 'just' going through a hard time ...

    That's what's family is for ..

    *OF COURSE* it's possible that she's 'just mean'  or a possibly a psychopath (this would be evident early) and if this is the case just change schools

    Family is *FAMILY* and you can still love you sister even if she's s a creepy, mean  psychopath (yeah that sounds weird) but you just don't have to let her damage or destroy you or any part of your life or make *YOUR* life a living h**l

    My two older sisters had a much rougher early life then I and there both like this and they put me, and to some extent my youngest (but still older then me) sister through h**l. They never 'grew out of it' but my youngest sister did

    If your sister is just having 'fun' playing games at your expense you'll have to protect your self and just give her time for her to grow up and hopefully be a good example for her....

    If your sister is really *just mean to the bone* then you have to change schools and really make sure she doesn't tank your life 'just for fun'

  2. Just ignore her for a while. When she realizes that what she's doing isn't getting her any attention or getting a reation out of you, she'll probably back off. Maybe try sitting her down and confronting her about it. If none of that works, just give it time. Eventually she will have to mature and maybe she'll stop being such a beyotch. Good luck!

  3. That's the joy of sisterhood. I have plenty of stories very similar. I survive and so will you. whether you like it or not you are stuck having her as a sister forever. Sorry. Maybe you can talk to her when you are both calm and tell her how you feel.

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