
How can i hatch a chicken egg without an incubator?

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i just came back from camping holiday at a farm and this morning i helped collect eggs from the chickens and we were allowed to keep 1 so i kept one that was warm when i picked it up. i've held it in my hands all day and only put it down for about 5 minutes at a time and i left it in a thick sock when i went out to play, it was still warm when i got it possible to keep it without buying an incubator by wrapping it up in the airing cupboard or something?




  1. shuv it in up ur pussys girls i bet theyll hatch in there

  2. you can build a simple incubator

  3.  I had a card board box..a thick towl ... hay ... hand warmers ... and a water bottle ... put a likely fertalised egg which has been with a c**k put it in a airing cuboard and leave it spin it around and about half way threw the 3 weeks hold it up to the light and thingers crossed you will be able to see a dark chick figure inside and that happened to me and a week and so later i had a baby chick. however if it hatches you must give it a lot of ettention or it may die :\ 

    good luck ! x

  4. Do chicken eggs need at least 5 watts light bulb to heat them all?

  5. Um i'm sorry to say, but I highly doubt you guys be able to hatch eggs in a box with a lamp. I have a very nice ncubator nd some of the eggs didn't hatch. If handle the eggs too much, that will lower the chances of hatching as well. you must have a uniform temp of 99.5 degrees F, and a humdity of 55-60 percent for the first 18 days of incubataion. Your eggs will probably not hatch if they are not in these conditions.

  6. ok i got 2 wet paper towls, then i wet then and ringed them out. now there damp. then i set the egg on top. will that work for the humidity?

  7. try not to pick up the egg so much. get a shoe box, put some soft/warm rags in it, fix them up, and set the egg in it. but make sure it's warm. maybe put a desk lamp above it. does anyone no how many watts it should be?

  8. i have a chicken egg. i have it in a shoe box with rags in it. also, i have a desk lamp over and turn it about 3-4 times a day. but, how do i get humidity?

  9. i've got a chicken egg that my aunt bought at the market. they bought alot and gave me one. i put a towel in a shoe box with hot bottles of water on each side and im wondering if it will work that way. i seriously need help because this is my first egg im trying to hatch. do you think it will hatch if i did my technique?

  10. omg

  11. wat a bunch of idiots

  12. Ive also got one! ive been asking the same question myself and what ive done is wrap it in tissues and put it in a beanie with a bedside lamp pointing at it and moing it around a bit if it gets a bit cold dont worry because a hen gets off her egg when she goes to eat!!! good luck

  13. do please pay no attention to the comments made by self assured ignorant people.
    Not only is it possible it is commonplace, maintain a temp of 99 to 101f, keep relatively humid( more so from day 18) and do a third of a turn 4 to 5 times a day.
    By day 21 to 23 you may well have chicks. Even if you had an incubator your chances would be exactly the same if you follow the instructions.
    Reptile eggs require no turning and variations on temp and humidity but generally far more humid conditions so the egg can swell by at least a third.
    Good Luck

  14. use a heat lamp,a thick cloth ,and a box if u want to use a heat lamp  then don't use a electric blanket or a  heat pack because it is  already enough or else u been already cooking it u can try this good luck to u and wish u all the best

  15. found 2 duck egs..out in the rain by my pond and i decided to grab them..i put them in a box with a towel at the bottom..then i put a water bottle filled with HOT water on each side of them..then i put my scarf in the box..i put a jacket on top of the box and a pillow on top of the jacket..but i forgot about them and they got i put them outside..but my chicken laid an egg and it was still warm so i did the same thing with it JUST should hatch in about 21 days..(if its fertilized) chicken wont lay on it becuase i actually got them in cages..we havnt finish the cubbies yet..wish ya luckk(:

  16. first try not to use an electric blanket or a hot water bottle.
    First: take a box/bowl and put a towel in there
    Second: put a lamp over the box/bowl and turn on
    Third: put your egg in
    Fourth: get a mildly wet cloth
    Fifth: get some tissue and use the mildly wet cloth to dab the tissues
    Sixth: put the damp tissues around the egg only leaving a bit of a space between each one
    Seventh: turn the egg over a few times a day and do this for 21 days(3 weeks)and if it doesnt hatch in a couple or a few days then its not got a chicken inside.

  17. It's dead easy actually and all you naysayers clearly haven't tried. A standard electric blanket with a nice thick towel on top set quite low and just checked very now and again to mae sure its not too hot. wipe it / spray it with luke-warm water evry now and again and presto.
    If a chicken can do it it can't really be that hard, and we have opposable thumbs and the ability to reason...well some of us any-way!

  18. you need to keep it damp my one is under my armpit its wet and warm but u  can spry urs and keep it under a lamp

  19. no

  20. Well im sitting @ my desk with a shallow containor with a towel folded in half, one side on the bottom layer, then a beanbag heat pack, 5eggs and the otha half of the towel over the top. iv been turning them every once in a while. the mother isnt Clucky D: and i dont want them to die. i left a few eggs in the nesting box...but i fear for them.

  21. i think you should just keep it warm.maybe wrap it in a blanket and put it in a box?i've been wondering about this too. i also have an egg.i ve been keeping it warm and my friend did wrap it in a towel and it actually hatched. so...

  22. Its impossible.

  23. no

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