
How can i hate food???

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How can i hate food???




  1. Keep a small bag of clean sand in your kitchen.

    When you prepare food, sprinkle half of the portions with sand. You'll eat, but find you self stopping before eating the sand. Gradually you'll get full on the smaller portions.

  2. how can you hate food when you need it to live

  3. ask yourself why do you need to put it in your mouth in the first place and then how your going to regret it after you eat it...just dont be going anorexic on me!

  4. The right question would be how  how do you hate unhealthy foods...Fast food restaurants often serve very unhealthy foods that are saturated in fat cholesterol and everything they injected into the live animal of whoms meat you are eating...I have learned to hate meats and any animal byproduct by reading up on how the animals are mistreated and how unhealthy those particular foods are when those animals are injected with all kinds of chemicals and steroids (reason being the animals are kept in such a poor place they most likely would die of infections otherwise)..The fact is we can get all the vitamins we need from fruits and veggies...Where do you think the animals get it? So when we consume meat which may have some protein and vitamins in it, we are just getting that from the foods the cows themselves ate...The only thing we can't get elsewhere that we get from animals and animal byproducts is bad cholesterol....Other foods, like french fries chips cookies and other junk foods are not good for your body and it shows when we eat it..We become overweight , lazy, unhealthy all around....I am vegan myself and even tho I was very overweight before becoming vegan and dropped 50lbs since then I haven't lost any more weight because things like,,,oreos are vegan, and pastas. So now I tell myself that they may taste good, but they are making me unhealthy. Fruits taste good...Vegetables can taste good and are very good for you..The way to get the bad foods away, is to love yourself more than the taste of food. Your body is a temple and should be treated as such and not be filled with garbage.

  5. if u wanna weigh 2 lbs then u hate food

  6. Why, did Food do something bad to you?

  7. Just give in to your passion.

  8. easy, many people hate food,. you are not alone.People think if someone is very overweight they must really love food, no, it is quite the opposite

  9. Be careful not to avoid the nutritious ones you need.  It's OK not to like some foods.

  10. well stop thinking about food

  11. if its from ur country.
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