
How can i have Lucid dreams?

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what can i do to have them?




  1. It seems like there are a lot of different ways that people achieve it but my way is just asking myself if I remember getting up and ready in the morning. If something seems strange then I asked myself the question and if the answer is no then I tell myself and the people in my dreams that it is a dream and they can do whatever they want. My dreams become very promiscuous. I also know if I see someone who is dead in real life (like my aunt who comes to me often) and when I see her I know it is a dream. My grandfather says that he dreams of his father a lot but in his dreams he does not know that he is dead and said it seems so real. I have asked several family members and none of them are able to lucid dream so I am unsure how I got the gift. I do question my reality throughout the day as well and rerun my days memories through my mind to make sure that they run smoothly without holes or voids in my memory. I do seem to have lucid dreams more if I am woken up early in the morning by something and then fall back asleep, but that is only my experience and I don't know if there is any proven data.

  2. welll i had my first last night yay! and i spent all day loooking up things firsat dont drink any soda b4 bed right b4 going to sleep keep thinking u will remember ur dreams and i did that and i had my first one it was so awesome i no i wasnt much help but u can find alot of information about it over the internet


    There are three major ways to become lucid:

    -Go to sleep and realize you are dreaming during your dream by training yourself to always be on the lookout for "dream signs" (more later)

    -Go directly from awake to dreaming by continuously concentrating on lucid dreams until you fall asleep

    -Wake up while in the middle of a dream (any multiple of 90 or 100 minutes after falling asleep,) then concentrate on where you left off and fall back asleep


    Most people who want to lucid dream like training themselves to do "reality checks" around thirty times a day. A reality check is when you look around for impossible or improbably things, pinch yourself, and try and do things that would be impossible if you weren't dreaming.

    I personally find this a bit pointless, because there is always a vague hazy feeling during a dream, no matter how realistic it feels at first. If you focus on concentrating on your surroundings to see whether you are feeling that hazy feeling or not several times a day, you will get into the habit of doing that in your dreams.


    To prepare for becoming lucid, you should have a couple easily-remembered goals of what to do- that way when you become lucid, you won't be completely overwhelmed. Flying is a popular one.

    Start by controlling your own reactions- talk to the dream characters maybe.

    Once you feel comfortable with that, try giving yourself an impossible or improbable ability. The key trick is to believe what you want to do is possible. If you jump off a building in a dream and expect yourself to fall, you won't fly. But if you imagine a pair of wings sprouting from your back and carrying you off, you might manage.

    Then, once comfortable with that excersize, you can try influencing things or people around you in similar fashion. Imagine the house turning into a mansion, your sister turning into a cat, or your enemy bowing to you and declaring your superiority, believe it will happen, and, above all... practise!

    Good luck with your lucid dreams!

  4. I just answered this question for someone else:

    I hadn't had a dream in months (that I remembered) so one day I was really exhausted and fell asleep listening to my ipod, and that night I had this dream that felt 2 hours long. So I've been trying that theory out and 80% of the time if I fall asleep listening to my ipod, I remember my dreams better. Idk if it's just me or if it's something else.

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