
How can i have a baby boy with my wife...?

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my wife and I have been trying to have a baby boy. We have two beautiful girls.. we have tryed so much and so hard.. can i pay the doctor to make sure its a boy...?




  1. heehee i love these questions.

    ok boy sperm dies easy, but is very fast.

    girl sperm is slow but stays alive a LOT longer.

    so that being said, if the woman ovulates the day of s*x, the boy sperm have a greater chance. do it too early they die out, and the girls make it. do you know if you have more of girl or boy sperm? You pay the doctor.  :) you were on sort of the right track. if you have more girl your chances are very slim, so hope for an even amount and that will make your chances higher. :) we had a boy. i ovulated the day before we had s*x(egg sits there for about 24hours) and we got a boy! you can also look at family history, were you first born, was your dad, grandfather, etc...  this is the only not severly expensive way to find out. but yes you actually can pay the doc, they can pic the boy sperm out and when your wife ovulates they can artificially insert it, and hope they make it. also you can have your wife check her pH levels to make sure she isnt killing what boy sperm you do have. Hope this helps!! Good luck!...and dont worry when your girls are older, there will be plenty of boys around! heehee

  2. There are some doctors that will do selective gender processes, but personally I think that is best left up to God.  So, do it the old fashion way...I've heard that the best way to ensure a boy is to plan it right with her ovulation.  You want the 'male' sperm to get there first, so have s*x the night BEFORE she is supposed to ovulate that way the by the time she ovulates the male sperm will be in place.  And for a little extra security I've heard that women on top makes a boy....

    Good luck, but remember you are blessed with whatever God gives you!

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