
How can i have a better school year?

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i started last monday and its been terrible !!

i worry and stress about it and everyone reminding me its the first week dosent help! i dont really tell my parents my problems much, but i actually told them about me hating school so much and now their saying that i complain too much and its just something i HAVE to do, which makes me worry about that, because i have NObody in my classes and gym class is the worst., thats the most social class where everyone has someone, and im alone. i have friends but none in my classes. my mom already called the guidance counselor, which shes sweet, but shes not helping me from hating it.

i dread waking up in the morning...and im getting to where i dont care about school at all, grades dont matter, and all that.....

also, i cant stand kids my age, they think theyre so great and everything they do is alittle more mature than them, not to sound stuck up but, being around 30 kids every hour is awful, and im paraniod that someone is making fun of me, always !! whats something i can do to help , because i need it please !!




  1. I am sorry that your school year is off to a crappy start. I think sometimes people try to help by telling you to get over it... to look on the bright side... etc. But in reality, they are all just trying to get you to avoid dealing with the problem. While good intentioned,sometimes that only makes it worse because you start feeling guilty for hating school. You might try and accept the bad things that ave happened so far. The kids you go to school with are immature... you have no friends in your classes... and that sucks! It sucks ***! Don't hide your feelings, let it out. Write about it, cry about it, yell about it, complain... until it is all out.

    When you are done... I promise you will feel much better. After you grieve over what you have lost, it becomes easier to see what you have. It will come naturally. Untill then, hang in there girl! We are all pulling for you.  

  2. Ugh, do I ever know what you mean! I have my group of friends, but then when I'm in a class without them, I tend to feel a little stranded and out of my comfort zone. Especially gym. I had it with my best friend and then she transferred out. I felt so alone. But, since most people hate it, you have an instant conversation starter. Find someone who isn't completely surrounded by people, and say something witty. They'll appreciate your candor, and boom, you'll start talking, and you know how conversations evolve. That's what I did, and I found a new friend in the process. People can look intimidating, but sometimes you just have to suck it up, push your fears aside, and just talk. Don't let this drag you down. Even if you feel like you can't connect to those people, realize that you only have to keep doing it x more years. I hear people in college are a lot more mature than high school kids. I agree with you there, though. Most people I know (besides my friends) think they're the ****. It's really irritating. On the same note, if you think that people are talking about you; they're probably not. Most people are only concerned with themselves and what they're doing. If not, so what! It's not you're problem if they find fault with you, it's all on them. Learn not to care what other people think; it's a useful trait. Just have a good support system there for when the flood gates open (because we all know that they do sometimes). In school, just focus on what you're there for. To learn. Good luck, chica!

  3. just remember us back here at yahoo answers waiting for you! =]

    and forget the losers making fun of you or what not, you're too mature to care right?

    Focus on your education, not your reputation with the stupid popular people, in the end, you'll be getting the scholarship into college, they'll be working double shifts at mcdonalds,

  4. if you try to get to know some of the kids in your classes, you might realize that some of them are pretty cool. maybe if you become friends with them, you can influence them to act more mature and make mature choices. it's hard to be friends with people that are so different from you but try to compromise yourself without changing your personality. don't be afraid of what others think of you!

  5. I know what you mean when I was a freshmen I had the same problem for the first month. Start to make friends and talking to other people in your classes... Try not to get stressed. Get organized and focus on your studies. I know it's something you HAVE to do... but try to make the best of it and have fun... If you hate your classes try to talk to your guidance counsler maybe she can switch some of your classes around. High School can be a blast if you let it be!

  6. I understand where you are coming from because it's tourture BUT whatever you do you can't slack off because it's hard to get back up if you do. Think of just being ready to graduate and only focus on that.

  7. ok this is very familiar to my situation. 2 years ago during 8th grade i was alone during PE. everyone had their friends, and i was standing there like a loner and i kept going to the bathroom to waste time. i hated it soooooooooo much. but then i started to talk to some of the girls and they seemed nice, and then i just started hanging out with them. i had to. not that i wanted to but i had to. and then school became less difficult for me. u just need to some how tell them something like omg i love ur hair did u die it? or is it natural and then they will start talking and they start to be nice. and trust me i know exactly what u mean about girls specially being immature. there r alot of retards in my school too and some times it feels like i am in kindergarden. but then i avoid them and i know i am more mature than they r and that makes me not listen to what they got to say to me. bc who r they to judge? they r the ones who r retards. the only time u should listen to some one is if they r more experienced or intelligent then u r. so don't be paranoid. but i know what u mean. trust me. just keep up ur grades. u go to school for urself. u will regret it if u stop carying about school just cause of those retards. don't let them bring u down and step on u. U have a career in mind and focus on that. have u seen legally blonde? if not watch it. That movie always inspires me. Elle Woods is considred stupid cause she is a blonde and there is this girl name Vivian who is mean to her, and she really doesn't care what people say about her, she walks, talks, and wears what she wants, and there r people who do make fun of her but she avoids them, and in the end she becomes a wonderful lawyer and sticks it up everyone's ***. She inspired me and she can inspire u too. forget them. keep ur head high. <33333333 good luck ;)

  8. 1. be organized. keep you locker and books organized and neat. your homework asap to get it over with.

    3. maybe go to bed earlier if you having trouble getting up i would never study for math because i thought i knew it all. i was wrong. i studied for the next test and got an a! (and yes this really happened im not just saying this)

    5.  in gym even if everyone is already with there friends introduce yourself... you can never have to many friends! NOTE: idk if your sporty or into the things you do in gym but say someone was playing basketball and you like basketball. go over introduce yourself and ask if you can play. maybe you'll hang out every gym class. or if you notice someone in your gym class is also in another class introduce yourself in the other class.

    6. ignore who ever is making fun of you. who cares, right?

    7. Good Luck!

    8/P.S. Talk to your other friends about this. they might be a better help.

    Hope I helped and Good Luck!!

  9. Gosh, you sound like me in high school.

    I'm 21 now & at university.

    I had no friends in my gym class either.

    But just remember, when you leave school everything will be different.

    This is your life for now & I know it's hard to see past high school but, your life will improve.

    Try & make friends in your gym class, even just as gym buddies. Just say "hi" to them in gym and smile & say Hi if you see at at lunch etc.

    That's what I did, it boosts your confidence too try it & see!

    As for your grades, these are important.

    Do your best now & you'll be out of school in no time!

    Do you have a career goal in mind?  

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