
How can i have dreams

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how can you have dreams because i never do and i heard some people can control there's can someone shed some light?




  1. you can sometimes have a lucid dream (when u know that u r dreaming and can control it) but u cannot control when u have them though, ya know,, at least i cant make them come,, but i can control them when i do,, but u could try to eat chinese food, i know it sounds funny but a big funky mean before bed can sometimes make u dream.

  2. During the daytime if you are concentrating or thinking about some one or something so deeply in your head, later at night when you sleep you will dream about that someone or something. This method always work.

  3. Try listenin to music or think about something while you fall asleep.

  4. Set your alarm clock half an hour earlier so that you wake up during the REM part of your sleep pattern.

    Then you'll remember.

    Lucid dreams are more difficult....people spend years trying to find a way. Though once you've had!
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