
How can i have fun studying and remain focused (with friends)?

by  |  earlier

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every time i try to study with my friends we get distracted.

its not once in a while. its every single time. by stupid little stuff.

how can we have fun AND stay focused AND learn the material?




  1. Play a Study game! That's what I do with my friends! Say you are doing math! Get out some flash cards and time your friend on how fast she/he can get through them all. Then you do the same. See how fast you can get through them all! The one thats goes the fastest gets one piece of candy! or something like that! It makes studying more fun! Good Luck!! :)  

  2. WEll THat happens to everyone.

    Even when me and my friends meet up to study, WE lose concentration on silly little things.

    But wht we do now, Is we make it a game,

    We all study a little bit, then test each other to see if we have learnt anything.

    If not, we then do dares,

    and it usually works, Cause no one wants to do any dares.

  3. there is no such thing as having fun and focusing on school work......

    just try to keep an agenda and work out some time for studies and

    time for friends. im sure it will work out. just stay on that schedual...

    and you will be fine

  4. Make it a game.  Have one person ask questions while the others try and be the first to answer correctly.  You could always make up tests on paper and then get the other person to take the test and then grade them.  Come up with silly games.  Also, if there is a group of words you need to remember for something, you can make up silly weird acronyms for it.

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