
How can i heal a swolen toe?

by  |  earlier

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Cuz i was going into my pool. I was gonna run and jump but i sliped and banged my toe on a board that hold a little trmpoline. This barely happend yesterday nite around 9:00. And there still hurting and i have to do stuff today so how can i heal my swolen toe.




  1. Put an ice pack on it to help reduce the swelling. Don't heat it, that will only make it worse, try and keep off your feet as much as possible.

  2. Put it in some hot water for 5-10 minutes and then put some soothing cream and then a band-aid on it.

  3. well im no expert

    but i suggest you put some ice on it

    that usually takes swelling down


  4. Prop your foot up and take it easy. Take some tylenol or advil for the pain.  

  5. There isn't much you can do for it, even if it is broken.  Keep your foot elevated and apply ice as often as possible.  If it is bruising you can apply some arnica ointment.

    ice ice ice!

  6. you cant "heal" it just like that, but put ice on it for 20 minutes every 2 hours and take a pain killer for the pain. it'll heal after a few days, maybe a week

  7. Ok i was reading the questions already there and i didn't find one that fit, because you have broken it i can already tell.  I have done the same but i was bikeing and i ran into my friend and jamed my toe, the most commen way to brake a toe is banging it on something.  (stubbing it) and all you can really do is a method called buddying it, just take something like medical tape or acewrap and tape it next to the next toe that will prevent it from the bone healing croocked.  If it hurts to walk depending on wich toe, then just elevate and ice take advil or tynlol.  I know my toe hurt like heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was constantlly throbbing and i was supprized because it was just a toe!

  8. you can't heal it

    you can help it heal

    but ice in it for 20 min

    then 20 min without ice

    do this off and on for a while until the swelling goes down a little

    don't put much pressure on it

    it will heal itself after a while

    it won't heal faster just becuase u have things to do

    good luck

  9. NO! Dont put it in hot water its 2 late! Ice it!  

  10. personally advise u ,if it takes more than three days and it is red color to have photo for or try to band it and rest ,may it takes time..any how dint worry keep it clean

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