
How can i help enduse my labor at 37 wks? i need this baby out like 9 months ago =)

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How can i help enduse my labor at 37 wks? i need this baby out like 9 months ago =)




  1. The best way and the most fun way is have an o****m.  The hormones released during th height of an o****m are the same used to induce labor it takes a few hours but it works.  Have fun!!!

  2. sit in the bath and lay a warm to luke warm washcloth or small towel over your b*****s- they say the stimulation of the nipples will induce. or, have s*x! if you can...LOL...they also say that if you eat eggplant parmigiana that you will go into labor....that one seems like more of a wives tale though:)

  3. Every pregnant women feels your pain. but you've made it this far... you can go another three weeks. You arent suppose to try ANY self inducing remedies until you are atleast past your due date. even ask your doctor, they will tell you the same thing.  

  4. Don't be in such a hurry. This is the time when the baby is fattening up and getting stronger for  the couple of weeks after birth that he will actually lose weight. Relax and spend some time just taking care of you and doing things that you want to for yourself and with your significant other. It' s going to be a LoOOOoooOOOOOooooOOOOng time until you can be alone together again. Believe me, after you have the baby, you never sleep the same again and you can't even think about doing anything without thinking about the baby.


  5. Let them come when they are ready.

    I had a csection at 37 weeks due to low amniotic fluid, we tried our hardest to keep him in there as long as we could with NST's constantly and pumping fluids in me every wednesday and saturday. My son was healthy but he was a tad bit on the small side at birth 18" and 6lbs 5oz.

  6. hahahaha yeah pregnancy does suck at times and I know is sooo tempting to induce labor at 37 weeks but you know what? it is not worth it. The baby will come when she/he is ready not when you are :( and it will be like that for potty training too. LOL

  7. My son was a few days late so what I did was walk, A LOT and swim. Swimming laps really helped loosen him up and help him drop. We didn't have a pool at the time, so what we did was go to a local comfort inn and speak to the front desk manager and explained our situation and she let us use the pool for a few days to swim laps. (It also helped that she was prego too!) Try to find a pool to swim in and go for lots and lots of walks. Just make sure you bring water to drink!

    And of course, as per my husbands suggestion, s*x. One night we went for a walk, went for a swim, and then had s*x before bed. Wouldn't you know, 2am my water broke. Then I had to be induced the rest of the way, because he STILL didn't want to come out!

    Good Luck, and hang in there, it's almost over! The baby is not ready to come out just yet!  Enjoy the peace and quiet (and sleep!) now while you have it!

  8. Way to early for that. I know how you feel though, 2 of my kids were born at 40 weeks and the other at 41 + weeks.

  9. I hear having s*x and eating spicy food helps....perhaps both at the sametime? haha

  10. "Elective induction increases the risk of giving birth to a baby that is near-term (born between 35 and 37 weeks, even when it seems the baby should be 38–40 or even 42 weeks by dates). In spite of their physical appearance, near-term infants are physiologically and developmentally significantly less mature than full-term infants and are at increased risk for mortality and morbidity in the newborn period (Wang, Dorer, Fleming, & Catlin, 2004). The near-term infant is at increased risk for temperature instability, hypoglycemia, respiratory distress, apnea and bradycardia, and clinical jaundice (Wang et al., 2004). The baby's difficulty in coordinating suck/swallow and breathing abilities contributes to problems with feeding; subsequently, poor feeding adds an increased risk of hyperbilirubinemia (Sarici et al., 2004). Near-term infants are 2.4 times more likely than full-term infants to develop significant hyperbilirubinemia (Sarici et al., 2004). Even “well” near-term infants who have a normal hospital stay are at increased risk for hospital readmittance..."

  11. No safe method of induction -including medical ones like pitocin- will work until the baby is ready.

    Many discussions of breastfeeding during pregnancy mention “oxytocin receptor sites,” the uterine cells that detect the presence of oxytocin and cause a contraction. These cells are sparse up until 38 weeks, increasing gradually after that time, and increasing 300-fold after labor has begun.6,7 The relative scarcity of oxytocin receptor sites is one of the main lines of defense for keeping the uterus quiescent throughout the entire preterm period—but it is not the only one.

    A closer look at the molecular biology of the pregnant uterus reveals yet more lines of defense. In order for oxytocin receptor sites to respond strongly to oxytocin they need the help of special agents called “gap junction proteins”. The absence of these proteins renders the uterus “down-regulated,” relatively insensitive to oxytocin even when the oxytocin receptor site density is high. And natural oxytocin-blockers, most notably progesterone, stand between oxytocin and its receptor site throughout pregnancy. 8,9,10

    With the oxytocin receptor sites (1) sparse, (2) down-regulated, and (3) blocked by progesterone and other anti-oxytocin agents, oxytocin alone cannot trigger labor. The uterus is in baby-holding mode, well protected from untimely labor.4

  12. i feel oyour pain but there's nothing you wanna do to have your baby come before he/she is ready. if there are not compilcations then you just gotta bare with it you done it this long it will be ok

  13. Yeah, i was the same way, but please listen.

    It's not like the sleeplessness and the pain are going to go away. For the love of God, cherish every waking day before that baby decides to come. Get ready for the ride of your life. If you think you have sleep deprivation now....just wait.

    I was the same way, and if I had a choice, I wish I had taking some extra time at the end to sleep all day for like a week.

  14. 37 weeks is too early, I carried my twins longer than that (14 lbs combined birth weight).  You only have a few more weeks to go, all of us who have been through pregnancy know how you're feeling but you have to let the baby come out on its own, you can endure a few more weeks of discomfort for the well being of your baby.

  15. Shame on you.......... your baby IS NOT ready to come out yet.  Technically...... you aren't even full term.  Say your due date is off by a week or two....... your could be trying to make your baby come out several weeks early in that case.  The baby will come when it is ready.  There is no way around that.  DO NOT try to induce labor.  Why would you want to put your baby at risk of being born premature.  A few weeks may need seem like a lot..... but it is.  Your baby may not even be ready to breathe without assitance...... WHY WHY.... would you want to do that.  It is safe and secure and still growing inside you.... where it belongs.  Some women would have killed for the chance to carry a ful term baby...... and here you are with the chance and just trying to throw that away.  You need to be patient.  Enjoy this time..... go out to dinner..... hangout with friends..... make sure everything is ready for baby..... cook and freeze dinners...... becuase after the baby comes...... you will be soooo busy and exhausted you would have wished you made better use of you time!

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