
How can i help her? her attitude is becoming too negative?

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my friend is going really depressed and suicidal and she has really changed and puts everyone down and treats me and my friends as slaves I'm the only one she has told that she is like this and she cant sleep and is really depressed. what can i do to help her? she says she just wants out and for it to stop

please help





  1. Hi Emma,

    it must be really hard for you to deal with this but you shouldn't have to be shouldering it all. She needs to get professional help if she isn't already and I would definately tell someone if you think she is a danger to herself.

    I have depression so I know what your friend feels like although I don't take it out on my friends as much as i avoid being with them.. i guess thats bad too. Your friend probably doesn't realise how bad she is treating others or sadly she maybe is so depressed she doesnt care.

    Help her by making sure she has professional help and telling someone who can do something to make sure she gets it. Otherwise try to be there for her but when she is being mean, take a step back from her for your own good, its better than confronting her if she is in a mentally bad place right now. Be a friend, get her help and know when to step away too.

    best of luck


  2. The only thing you can do for her is to be there.

    Having said that, you cannot allow yourself to be treated like a slave and be otherwise abused. You need to set boundaries and enforce them. (Being treated respectfully, asking instead of ordering, etc.)

    You need to take care of yourself. Try to convice her that she needs professional help, and try to support her in this however you can, always keeping in mind the boundaries that you have set.

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