
How can i help my 4 year old to be good in school?

by Guest59885  |  earlier

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she's tryed all the bad stuff that she could think of and once she tryed 2 trip the teacher!!!! i just sent her 2 her room i dident want 2 heart her so i just said that thats not ok and gave her i kissed her and we went out side and rode our bikes!! i love her to deth but she dosent listen 2her teacher




  1. You have to pay close attention but every time you "catch her" doing something GOOD, tell her how proud you are and give her hugs and kisses. Remind her how to act in public and how to act around other people. Every time she listens to you or someone else, reward her with positive attention...i.e. more hugs and kisses. Kids LOVE to be told that you're proud of them. You don't have to pay them or buy them toys. The thing that want to do most is be appreciated by you. It will take some effort on your part but it will be worth it in the end.

    Also, let your childs teacher know that you're trying something new. If you bring it to her attention, she will be more likely to notice when she's doing a good job and also praise her for it.

    Good luck!

  2. if sees not good in school dont reward her with anything. you have to teach her right from wrong . i have a four year old in pre-k and if she didnt mind her teacher she would get punished. no outside no snacks until she starts actin right.

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