
How can i help my 6 year old son with his short fuse and him hitting me

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shouting at me,kicking,throwing things,




  1. i would pick him up and lock him in his room he sounds like a horrible child my kids have short fuses but they wouldn't dare hit me maybe its something he has seen or the lack of discipline

  2. being the son of Asian parents, man i got smacked on the bum and its made me not want to break the rules at all. He may hate u straight after but he will love you later after he learns some good morales. Thats my experience

  3. make sure you figure out the root of the problem when he gets mad. get down to his eye level and tell him you are disapointed, it isnt right to act like that and then ask him why he is acting that way. alot of times it is because they feel like you dont care and that is the only way to get their point across. once he is done explaining, tell him it still isnt the right way to act and explain that he needs to go to time out. good luck.

  4. when my 'short fused' 7yr old gets cross i tell him to go to his rm to calm himself down, he used to hate this when i 1st stared making him do it, now if i tell him to go to his room to calm down he just stomps up the stairs, when he comes down calmer we ave a 'keep it quick' chat nd he has to apologise to all he lost his temper with! he is calming down nd has stopped hitting, he just shouts now, hopefully we will get that under control too soon.  Children are aloud to get alittle angry at times, dont we all, you just have to help the learn ways to deal with it so that they dont hurt others!

    good luck

  5. Watch "Super Nanny 911" on TV.  She has ALL the answers to disciplining uncontrollable children.  Her biggest method is to send the child to a "naughty chair" and stay there for approximately 10 minutes.  As you send him to the naughty chair, you get down to his eye level and explain why he is being punished and tell him that you will not tolerate his type of behavior. Then when the time is up, have the child apologize to you, give him a hug and tell him that you love him, but there are rules that he has to obey and if he doesn't obey the rules, then he will be back in the naughty chair again and again until he learns how to behave.  Be serious and stick to your guns!

  6. Firstly..... try everything...and I mean everything you can think of, before you resort to drugs like ritalin or similar.

    Doctors will proscribe them at the drop of a hat.

    And while they show a short term GREAT result...the long term effects are at best unknown...and at worst...fatal.

    Food additives would be one of my first things to look at.,,  but not always the answer.

  7. This is a sign of a spoiled child, by 6 yrs old he should not be behaving like he is 3 yrs old, tantrums should end by the age of 4 or at so or at least significantly reduced.  I think you need to get strict quick!  Take away every single toy in his room and when he misbehaves he is sent to his room to sit and think about how he is acting.  My son is 4 yrs old and these tantrums are tapering off because he realizes that he won't get his way and he saw a show where a girl was having a tantrum and it looked so ugly.  So when he has a tantrum I tell him he looks like the brat we saw on TV and he immediately stops.  If you have a video camera I would suggest video taping him while he has a tantrum and showing it to him later on so that he feels ashamed or embarassed.

    Also, if you are in a place outside of the home and he has a tantrum, LEAVE immediately.  It doesn't matter if you have a cart full of items, you leave.  It may be difficult but he is old enough to learn his lesson after you do this only a few times.

    Don't hit him, spank him or yell, once you do those things you have lost control.  You must display calmness and composure the whole time, lead by example.

  8. I would start out (since he is 6) by explaining that it 'hurts' mommy/daddy.

    I would then ask him why he does it, how he feels.  

    When he does it, immediately after, have him stop, and talk to you.  He is probably unable to verbalize his feelings...and has now just formed a habit.

    If it continues, talk to your pediatrican, or an advisor at his school.   They may have some advice.

    Regardless, make sure he knows he is loved, even when he does this.  While the behavior is unacceptable, it has been ongoing for a while, and I think that it will take time to stop it.  I am sure this is not the 1st episode.  If it is..then I say NIP IT...but since it sounds ongoing,  you have to re-train him.

    Good luck

  9. You need to implement some decent discipline (not physical, obviously). Use a lower tone of voice to communicate to him that you're serious and not happy with his behavior.

  10. Spare the rod spoil the child!!! (why do u think it's in the bible)

    did u know that in the bible days.. when kids were disobediant and out of control. they stoned them!!

    No offense mom but ur late!!... the reason he keeps doing it is because u keep letting him!!

    I'm not saying beat the child like crazy.

    but next time he gets out of control  show him who is boss..

    stop being a scared mommy.. and stand up to him..

    he 6 years old  god.. you are bigger than him!!

    for example.. my mom and dad. had a lil switch for me and my sisters and brothers... i remember going to the store when i was about 5.. with my dad.. and having the biggest tantrum ever.. i fell out in the floor screaming.. and  as soon as that happened he took a lil switch. and gave me a couple of spanks on the bottom...and after that he talked to me and told me why i got the spanking and that they love me.. t the wasnt gonna have that.. and swear to god.. i have never had a tantrum or anythimg to that effect since.. i was scared of them( mom and dad) i knew that if i acted up i would get a spanking.. and i knew in my mind i didnt want any.. so it stopped immedietly

    and im 21 now.. and i still

    i have never yelled /screamed/ at my mom and dad

    1) spank him

    2) tell him u love him

    3) tell him y u spanked him

    4)hug him

    5)show him that if he keeps acting crazy. ur gonna get ur switch

    6) keep the switch somewhere that he can see.. so if it seem like he bout t go at it.. let him know!! point to it!!

    Good luck , I hoped this helped

    p.s.showing ur kids tough love works

    all my sisters and brothers turned out very succesfull cause of it

    1 of my sis own there own real estate company in  las vegas

    1 sis own her on salon in texas/and chicago

    1 bro is a truck driver

    1 owns his own eginering company in chicago

    and I'm in med school!!


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