
How can i help my community? maybe even the world...?

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So my friends and i were thinking to make a shoe drive. We can ask people for shoes and then send it to africa or something...

thoughts on it?




  1. You can help your community by being kind, and tolerant.  You can help the world by supporting worthy causes like amnesty international, or the red cross.  A shoe drive sounds like a great idea.  Children that are forced to work in a cane field until their feet bleed won't care if they have been used before, they will just be happy to be able to walk at the end of the day.

  2. that sounds like a great idea. most people who are well off here take for granted things that those in third world countries will truly treasure. the thing i would suggest is to get in touch with the red cross, amnesty international or other groups in your city. if you are gonna ship them yourself, that could get very costly. if the organization's focus is different from yours, they may not be able to help and then you'd just have shoes collecting in your garage and no way to get them to those who need them.

    it's good to see you and your friends trying to do something to help the community.

    you could also:

    visit hospitalized patients

    visit an elderly center

    tutor elementary school kids

    get with your library to help teach adults to read

    the thing is to seek out a particular need in your community and go from there. good luck with your endeavors.

  3. can be dirty and gross. how about money? or canned food?make sure you send it to a reputable organization, not someone who says they'll give the poor little children money, but never does. good for you to be thinking about other people in need!

  4. 1. Just by having those thoughts you wrote as your heading, sets you off on a really good start...

    2. Secondly, if your ideas of help ring true in YOUR heart, then you're most likely on the right path.

    3. Self respect is the best start to helping others...

    4. Go where your heart takes you; trust yourself!

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