
How can i help my congested toddler?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter has a seal bark cough and sounds like she is really congested... what can i do to make her release some of the stuff in her chest?




  1. Sit in the bathroom with her with the shower running hot water.  The steam should help some.

  2. Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil on her shirt.  If you don't have any, then get some - it's a miracle product.  Also a few drops on her pillow and she'll sleep..... like a baby apparently does.

  3. Take her outside in the cool air!  If it is safe, crack open her window, place a pillow or two under her mattress to raise her head.  You should take her to the doctor in the morning!

  4. Seal bark cough could mean whooping cough. Take her to the doctor.

  5. Have you taken her to the dr? Thats not a good cough. Is it chilly outside? If so take her outside for a minute. I use to constantly take my daughters to the ER for coughs like that and by the time we got there they would be fine. The nurses and drs always told me it was from the cold air and that they are glad i brought them in cuz for one it did help, and it could have been something more serious.

    If you don't want to try that, go into the bathroom with shower running hot as possible and play in there for a minute. It will help too.  

  6. If your little one has been that way for a couple of days, I would say take her to the doc. I don't know how you feel about home remedies, but what I do to my kids (and even myself) is that I rub vaseline and vaporub on our chest and nose. First, dab a bit of vaseline on your finger and put some on in a circle on the chest and nose. Then you put the Vaporub in the same area on the chest in a circular motion and on the same spot on the nose so you breathe in the vapors. This works best at night before bed...and after a bath to help her breathe and sleep...and help you do the same...

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