
How can i help my parents save money?

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Right now i know times are hard and the country is most likely in a reccession, so I want to know how I can help my parents save money. My mom says the electricity bill is really high and so is the food bill. Will taking shorter showers heko at all? Please tell me what I can do do, [ I'm 12 years old] to help my parents save money.




  1. You can stop watching tv as much, switch to energy efficient products, and turn the lights off when they aren't being used. also turn running water off when it is not being used.also try to stop wasting money on junk food, and spend it on food that is necessary and nutricious, such as water, fruits and vegetables.  i hope this helps.

  2. i 100% agree with joseph R.

  3. your parents are adults.  they need to take care of things.  take shorter showers, turn off the water when brushing your teeth, and turn the lights off if you aren't using them.  you need food to eat, so nothing can change there.

  4. To help your parents to save money, put yourselves in a budget (if you haven't already). Here are some options:

    1. Cut back on certain expenses like w/ electricity turn off the lights whenever you're not using them. For food, cut back from eating out and just eat inside your household, you'll save a lot of money that way. Try using coupons from the Sunday's paper or online when purchasing food or other things.

    2. For extra income, help around by earning some cash like babysitting.

    3. Your parents may ask for a raise on their job. (Doesn't hurt to ask.)

    4. Perhaps cut back on unnecessary expenses like buying cds or other things of entertainment. (Put your needs before your wants).

    5. Another way to save a lot of money is to cut back on traveling b/c of high costs of gasoline.

    Hope this helps! Try these websites:

  5. As a member of your household, there are plenty of things you can do.  And I would make sure you tell your parents you're doing them, so that if they're not doing them they can try to integrate these things as well, and so that they'll know you're trying to help out and be responsible - I'm sure they'll be proud of you for it!

    Here's the things I could think of right away:

    - Turn off all lights you're not using.

    - Turn of electrical appliances in rooms you're not in, IE - don't leave the TV on, your stereo, or your video game systems.

    - If you already have a power strip, make sure that if you have charges, like iPod chargers or cell phone chargers, they're plugged into the power strip, and you can turn that off when you're not charging those items.

    - Try not to ask for name brand snacks or impulse items like candy bars or sodas at the checkout lines.  Generic cheerios or raisin bran tastes pretty much the same as name-brand cheerios or raisin bran.

    - Suggest to your parents that you guys take a family trip to your local farmer's market or city market to buy fresh veggies and produce - it can be a fun excursion (more fun than shopping in a grocery store anyway) and produce there is generally cheaper than stuff from the produce aisle at your grocery store.

    - Don't stand in front of the refrigerator looking for snacks if you want one, with the door open.  Open it, take what you want, and close it.

    - Find ways to have fun that don't cost money - instead of going to movies at the theater and out to eat for dinner, try packing a picnic basket and going to a local park to eat dinner together there, and maybe read books or fly kites walk the dog or whatever you and your parents would find fun.

    - Take shorter showers - you're right, it does help.

    - Volunteer to hang clothes up to dry instead of using the dryer if you have a clothesline (and if you help your parents with laundry).  Sure it's a little more work, but dryers use a LOT of electricity.

    Not only do most of the things I listed help with finances, but many of them are earth-friendly too and can help your family reduce their carbon footprint.  It's awesome of you to try to help your parents out in whatever way you can.  Don't forget to ask them too, if there's anything they would like you to do that could help - after all, they're your parents, and they should know where most of the cost is coming from, and where you as a family might be able to cut back.

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