
How can i help my problem of always being tired?

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sooo im always tired! no matter how much sleep i get!!!!

ive been a vegetarian for 3 years and found out i am anemic. im not going to give up being a dont even suggest that. but how do i become less tired? i never seem to have any energy, and im really trying to loose weight, but excercise is very difficult because i feel soo weak and tired. like i said, it doesnt matter how much sleep i get, so dont suggest to sleep more.

are there any foods i need to eat that could get my energy up? if sooo...what foods or vitamins do i need?





  1. A vegetarian diet is very healthy and if you do it right you should have plenty of energy but unfortunately a lot of people do it wrong and they don't get enough complete protein, iron and vitamin B12.

    A vegetarian diet has a few traps that you need to be aware of and you can find them in a web search for "vegetarian diet" + "health hazards".

    If you want some better answers you could post this same question in the sub-category Vegetarian & Vegan under the category Food & Drink.

  2. soy protein powder. lentil.

    try agar agar powder it's rich in nutrients you can make it into a gummy like candy "look for condensed milk agar agar candy recipe"

    fresh coconut juice bananas and any type of small melon like cantaloupe or honeydew.

    cows milk might be good to

  3. If you are a vegetarian, there are a lot of nutritional resources for you, from the local library to the internet.  Low iron is a common problem with veg's, so dark green vegetables are what you want to look for.  Look for folic acid and B vitamin content when you shop.  As you may know, food breaks down and is processed using combinations e.g. iron cannot be broken down without vitamin C.  Refresh yourself on what food combinations you need to get the most from what your eating.

    Take supplements, but you are always better off getting the nutrition as close to the source as possible.  Grow your own because each hour that tics by the nutrient in your food are depleting.  

    Finally, if you are exercising to loose weight and are anemic, your body is loosing essential minerals.  Include more diverse vegetables into your diet to  

  4. u gota excersise.. it will give u more energy. try going for a bike ride.. or run on an eliptical machine if u have access to one. without excersise or even just moving around more, nothing else will help on its own.

    good energy foods are nuts, grains, peanut butter, beans, raw veggies.. lots of water

    u need potassium (bananas) and protein (milk, eggs)

    sleeping more often will make u more tired believe it or not.. too much sleep has the opposite effect of what sleep is supposed to have on u.

    and being a vegetarian dosnt really have much to do with it. meat is not going to help u lose weight or be less tired anyway.  

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