
How can i help my sister??

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My sister keeps on hurting herself because she knows she will never meet max baldry. How can i get her to stop? If i try to talk to her like "Dont hang on to him you will find someone else in time your still very young" She says "I will only love him without him theres no point of even living" What the frick is up with her??




  1. Your sister requires professional help immediately before it is too late. Self mutilation is a serious thing.

  2. maybe ur sister is to young to notice that what ur telling her is true,or shes indinial,try to help her by trying to be her,in her shoes,so that u understand more and more how shes feeling,hope this helps,bye!

  3. She's a fruitcake. Tell her to get over it. There is more than one fish in the sea. She needs to grow up and face the facts that there is no such thing as true love. Who the h**l is Max Baldry? She has never even met the guy...tell her to get over the sad thing she calls life and get over herself.

  4. WOW!!! That's so not cool! You should have her talk to a counselor, about the hurting herself. And maybe she'll get over the phase of being madly in love with Max Baldry...

    But, meanwhile try to get her out of the stage, don't bring 'him' up, and if she does change the subject.

    Good Luck!!! =]

  5. I think the most you can do is really talk to her and listen.  If she is starting to look suicidal then you should get her help before it's too late.

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