
How can i help my snake (ball python) shed?

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We just got her about a month ago and she is only about a foot long. She has had flaky dry skin for about a week. Before that her belly was pink and the her eyes were cloudy/blue. I just think she might be too small to shed herself. Is that possible?




  1. DO NOT peel the skin for her, you might hurt her in the process.  All snakes can shed by themselves, it just might take them a while.    

  2. Since your snake is having a bad shed take a plastic box, large enough for your snake to fit in it comfortably.  Get the short boxes for soaking snakes…the box should be about the height to go under a bed.  Drill several small holes along the sides at the top for airflow (this box can also be used as a feeding tub for your snake).  Put about a half inch or an inch of lukewarm water (about 80 Fahrenheit) and put the top on the plastic tub and “soak” the snake for about 3 hours (changing the water every so often if needed).  The reason to do this in a plastic tub with only a half inch or inch of water is because it's the humidity that this creates that helps the skin loosen and come off easier for your snake.  

    Good luck.

    P.S.  to Michelle a pink belly is the first sign of a snake going into shed (if the snake is black the belly turns white.)

  3. I think you should take it to a vet, and I really wouldn't try to peel the skin for them because as well as your snake may be trained I think it will bite.  Most snakes are very protective of that.

  4. Do not assist her.  She can do this with the right stuff in her tank.

    Driftwood is a good idea, or even astroturf.  Think of her in the wild.

    How would she do it there? Lots of rocks, wood, etc.

  5. sometimes when they are young they can have a little problem shedding, i don't understand why she has a pink belly though. do you have an under the tank heater? could it be to hot? i'm not sure about that one my ball python's were bigger when i got them. the cloudy eyes is a sign of shedding. i'd give her baths in a little warm water. that will help soften the skin, make sure there is something in the tank she can use to rub up against. never pull her skin, it can pull of scales and cause more problems. mine didn't have flaky skin either though. maybe a vet check might help.

  6. They need something to scrape against to start a sheed put a peice of driftwood in the tank with it but I've never heard of a snake have a pink belly cloudy eyes yes but not a pink belly you might want to take to a vet

  7. I use a humid hide with my girl when she sheds.  It's as simple as a tupperware container with some damp moss in it on the hot side of the tank.  Haven't had a bad shed since I started using it.  Soaks help and my girl seems to enjoy it.  Use luke warm water, like what you would bathe a baby in.  If she's having a real hard time, get a soft pillow case and wet it with warm water so it's damp and let her hang out in there for a while (give her fresh air, of course, I suggest 30 minutes in, 10 minutes out).  


  8.   i would bathe it in water and put a rock in the tank for rubbing its skin.  

  9. Dont worry she is just fine. Get her a little dish that she can lay in. She will shed by herself. Trust me dont interfere. You could hurt her. Good Luck!

  10. I wouldn't take it to a vet for a bad shed, that's something that you can take care of on your own and there isn't too much they wouldn't do that you couldn't. Just soak it in a luke warm bath and make sure it has something rough in the cage to rub against. Snakes always know how to shed and she should be plenty able to do it on her own. It just sounds like the humidity in the cage is too low. Beyond giving it a bath, start increasing your humidity by misting the cage.  

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