
How can i help them in their love triangle??

by  |  earlier

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Right ill give you the short version. My best friend has a long term girlfriend they have always been rocky but kept trying to work at things. They got a house together and after a few months split up and said things were over. She moved out and he stayed at the house - he had a rebound with a girl from him work - she instantly fell in love and he thought he felt the same... they were all loved up and they wanted to live happily ever after.. after about a month she became pregnant!! After talking to each other they decided the best option for them was to have a termination. About another month down the line - my mate decided that things werent quite as great as they seemed and missed his ex... they ended up gettin back together. She moved back in and confessed she was also pregnant and this time they were going to keep the baby. Are you keeping up.. he has realised he wants to be happy with his gf and today they have gone in hospital to have there baby... meanwhile the other girl is obsessed with my mate and wants him back she is convinced she will get him.. but i know she wont... there is no telling this girl - we have all tried - it doesnt help that they work at the same place... she said he is the love of her life and she will do anything to get him back. She has threatened to throw her self on train tracks and all sorts to try and get the attention she wants. He doesnt know what to do.... and she wont leave him to get on with his own life... PLEASE ANY HELP WITH THIS WHOLE MESS WOULD BE APPRECIATED... i dont want this girl doing somethin stupid and he needs to get on with his life and concentrate on his gf and baby.




  1. If he marries the girl, that will go a long way towards convincing the other woman that he's serious about their relationship.  

  2. STAY AWAY from those nasty triangles. They are worse then the Bermuda triangle, you'll get yourself so lost in it, next thing you know everybody's mad at you.......stay away, let them deal with it.

  3. I know it sounds extreme but maybe he should get a court injunction on her based on harassment - only this would mean possibly having to change jobs.  It would send the message loud and clear though!

  4. Wow he is good at making babies isn't he!

    Yeah keep right out of it. If there is no telling her and if she doesnt listen to you then wash your hands of it. You will only get caught up in it all and its not even your issue!

    Just be there for them if they want to chat, but don't do anything more.

    I think its just something all 3 need to work out on their own because no amount of talk can solve something.


  5. Oh what a tangled web we weave .

    Your friend needs to go and get a restraining order against this girl to stop her from harassing him . He then needs to talk to the boss at work and explain the situation and the boss might be able to put them either on different shifts or different departments .

    As far as her threatening suicide it sounds as if she is just doing this to get the attention of your friend . However if he believes that she may do some thing call the police and tell them of her threats and if they see that it is necessary they will take her to get the help she needs .

    Good luck .

  6. wow!....well i think that you should just sit the girl and ur friend down together alone and let them just talk it out for like an hour or so when he comes back from the hospital or recommend a therapist to her or something.... i hope this helps!

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