
How can i help to stop animal abuse in China? iT'S HORRIFYING!

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How can i help to stop animal abuse in China? iT'S HORRIFYING!

In China there is an extremely amount of cruelty to animals. They pull and take away the animals skin when the animals are still alive. It's horrible and very sad to see thEsE animals suffer like this. This is why you should never buy fur clothing that is made from animal skin. iF U LOVE PETS, DO NOT WEAR THEIR SKINS. Animal feel just like we do. Here is a website u can go to see how people from China torture these animals dogs, cats, foxes, etc. : URL : JUST COPY AND PASTE




  1. BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS.  China is murdering over 500,000 cats and nearly as many dogs to clean the streets for the upcoming Olympics in Beijing.  They are crammed into tiny cages barely big enough for them to move then carted away to animal internment camps where they are either executed or left to starve.  They are also using scare tactics to get people to give up their pet cats by saying that they cause and spread diseases such as SARS, and then the government comes and takes them away for disposal.  YES something needs to be done!  China is also basically funding the terrible genocide occuring in Darfur in the Sudan in Africa.  Over 400,000 people have already been killed and over 2.5 million have been displaced from their homes and forced to flee for fear of rape and murder.  China needs to addess these situations immediately, otherwise the world will find a way to put an end to their awful ways for them.  By taking away all the cats, they are leaving the city open for RATS, which carry many more diseases and parasites than cats do.  This happened before during the Middle ages when cats were scene as tools for witches and drivin out of the city.  This in turn caused the Black Plague because of the influx of rats. The plague killed millions of people in Europe during this time.  I could easily see the same type of thing happening to China.  The earth has a way of working out human mistakes for us.  Hopefully China will clean up its act before something unimaginable happens, but the way things are looking as of now...I highly doubt it.  Try to stay positive.

  2. China's ethics are horrendous.  I have boycotted the Olympics due to China's treatment of animals and humans in preparation for the games. They started out killing every dog over 34 inches tall in order not to have large dogs scaring the tourists. Next, they needed the land to build an arena so they just forced the people out of their homes leaving them homeless in the streets. Most recently, the government told all the residents that "studies" proved cats to have diseases which are communicable and fatal to humans.  Kindergarteners watched while teachers were clubbing cats in the streets in fear they would catch diseases and die from the cats. Other cats were stuffed into cages and killed at mass cat camps. I would have loved to see the Olympics moved to more civilized locale. Yes, China is barbaric and I don't know what can be done. Just fix the things you can and leave the rest to God.

  3. I would better ask "how can i help to stop HUMANS abuse in China"..

  4. I don't think that anyone can do anything about it! It is horrific and they are evil people. When I saw the video awhile ago, it made me sick to my stomach. I still can see it in my head. The cruelty which is being done to these cats and dogs is horrific. They say, the more the animal suffers, the meat will taste better. I think that if we could, we would all save them but we can't. It is their culture and I don't think it will ever end. I, personally could never go to their country and never again will I eat Chinese food. It disgusts me! I was really sad to hear that the olympics would be in China and I really hope that Americans and Canadians will not attend. Please sign this petition, maybe someday, it can make a difference!

  5. I will reiterate what WeaselLizard says, do BOYCOTT the Olympics.  Tell everyone you know.  Wear a tshirt that provokes thought.  Open your mouth.  BOYCOTT.

  6. Plenty of abuse to stop where you live. How about start rescuing or trap and release

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