
How can i hide my scar?

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I have a terrible terrible scar on my right eye brow so no hair grows there right? and I'm like totaly goofy looking with out hair there, and people are always asking me what happened to it. how can I make my hairless eyebrow less noticiable is there any way I can make the hair grow again. please help me.




  1. im not sure if the hair will grow back but it probably wont. try some make up thats the same color as your eyebrows. but scars are like beauty marks. they define who you are!!!!! :D

  2. Get a berka

  3. You could always where glasses and if it doesn't work try not to look at people straight on.

  4. i have a scar on my eyebrow also, all i did was make them thinner. and sometimes i just pencil them in.

  5. pencil it

  6. use a pencil (kim kardashian has a scar on her eyebrow if u see a pic of her with no makeup) she uses pencil on it and colors it in and its like not noticeable at all

    find a shade that matches ur eyebrows hair color and it should work

    hope that helped :D

  7. Eyebrow pencil thts what i had to do when i got stiches  

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