
How can i hide my snake bites?

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Is there a way where they are kinda noticable but not really for school?

if so what can i use to hide it?




  1. LOL nicky snake bites are lips piercings  

  2. You should go to a doctor to see if they'll get infected or not! If the snake was poisonous, you should wrap up your arm, leg, ect. really tightly so the poison can't get into the bloodstream.

  3. Take the snakes fangs out ,then it won't happen again. I guess band aids would do the job.

  4. Use a concealer then use a powder over it so that it will stay. Works every time! ;)

  5. umm i'm not sure. but i'm gonna get my lip pierced in a few months and i'm wanting to know like when u take the rings out of ur mouth,r the holes in ur lip real noticable or what? (i know that u have to leave the ring in ur lip for like 6 weeks before u take them out,but like later on down the road if i wanna take them out,r the holes real noticable)

    (could u please email me or somehting)

    oh and a little tip on ur question....u might wanna add that snake bites r lip piercings and not really snake bites! LOL

  6. You can try retainers:

    search for them on

    I have them in my lip and you can't really tell unless you're up close.

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