
How can i honor my fathers last name?

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I am getting married this weekend and my only concern is my last name. Of course i want to take my husbands last name, that is part of the tradition. However, my parents had 2 girls, my sister is already married and after i get married the last name will no longer exist aside from my father. I had considered hyphenating my last name to keep mine and my husbands but he and his family are offended by this. My father wants me to hyphenate it to keep his last name alive. Any suggestions as to how I can honor my father's name while taking on my husbands new last name??? I would appreciate any ideas. Thanks!




  1. As most are saying, tell your family to be to simply LUMP IT AND GET OVER IT!  My father's last name was Katanic (and how many kids do you think would want to have that as a part of their name, except as a last name,not meaning to disrespect my father or anything, unless you are maybe of foreign-descent?).

    Is there any way that you can do an AKA (Also Known As) and for married purposes, go by your new last name and for business purposes and anything else, go by your father's last name?  (This might mean that you will have to open a separate bank account and possibly get an ID card in your maiden name so that there won't be any confusion when writing checks, etc).

    I am my father's only child and when I got married <I was only married for a little less than 6 yrs>, I dropped my father's last name and planned on honoring him by using his first name and that of my now ex-s as the first and middle names and had it been a girl, I was going to honor him by spelling it as a female name <instead of William, I was going to use Wilma or Billie Jeanne (his first name was William and my ex-in law was Jeanne)>.  There is no possible way of having the name 'Katanic' be a part of a child's first or middle name and have it sound right, don't you think?

    Your new family might find it insulting and jump up and down and whine and cry about it, but it is YOUR RIGHT to go by whatever name you want to and there is little, if anything, they can do about it, so HYPHENATE it or do the AKA bit.

  2. your fiance needs to get over it.  you have a right to hyphenate, in this day and age he's lucky you aren't trying to get him to take your name.  if it is that important to you and your father, tell him so.

  3. I actually kept my last name.  I know some women who have hyphenated, and some women who use their maiden name as their middle name.

  4. well unless your current last name is something wild, u could make it your childs middle name or even first name. But idk your last name so... it depends on the name

  5. I had a similar thought but the other way around. The person I was with was an only child and wanted the same. I wanted the same as well, out of respect for her parents - but never had a kid so didn't have to decide.

    If you can't change the last name, or have one of your boys carry your last name - not sure how/if you can do that. Maybe have the first and middle name after your father, though it'd be more symbolic than carrying on the name.

  6. I think it would be cool if you and your husband both hyphenated your names together. His family must be really close-minded and still stuck in the 19th century. The woman taking the man's last name is an outdated tradition which signifies ownership.

    I'm in the same situation as you, where I'm the last in my line. I plan on keeping my name when I get married and going by a hyphenated name socially. I even want to give my future kids a hyphenated name to honor both parents.

  7. Take your maiden name as your middle name. You are perfectly allowed to do this after you get your marriage license filed. You simply go from Anne Marie Shay to Anne Marie Shay Chancellor or Anne Shay Chancellor. Then honor your dad by giving your kids your maiden name as their middle name, too.

  8. How long do you think you will be married?  If you have doubts, then you are probably smart to not take your future husbands name.  It will make things easier down the road.

  9. My Grandmother took her father's surname as her middle name - it is now my nephew's middle name as well.

  10. my last name is ashley.. i'm getting married in 5 weeks, (i'm the only child) and i think that i'll honor my dad's last mane by naming my next child ashley, my fiance and i already have 1 daughter and i named her madison my dad's DAD's (my paw paw)'s name was william madison ashley... could you name your child your dad's last name?? or something close?? or even a MIDDLE name.. i know a girl named Mary Miller Riles... her moms last name was miller... good luck girl!

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