
How can i ignore Mean, negative girls that continue to say bad things about me???

by  |  earlier

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I have tried ignoring, but if one of them says something to me i think i might just hit them in the jaw, becuz i am SO sick of girls who ain't about S**t trying to make themselves seem like they're better then me. So how can i remain pure, and not allow these idiots to get to me???




  1. How does what they think and say affect your life?  Does it affect the boys you date, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the house you live in, or anything else that even matters?  If not, then you have no reason to even think about them.  It will annoy the snots out of them if you truly do not care what they think.

  2. Beat them up.

  3. you dont have to ACTUALLY beat them up.

    people like this are retarded. so next time they say something to you, get all in their faces like your gonna kick theyre ***. most likley, they will run.

    but on the off chance you get one of them to hit you first, you are protected by the law. so you can do whatever you want to them.

    in self defense, of course :)

  4. Just think about what kind of people are saying it.  These people are petty, spiteful people because they do not believe they are good at anything other than putting people down.  Heck, you should probably pity them for wasting time and energy coming up with insults when they could be doing something constructive with their time.

    Truly important people don't say those things about you, because

    a. they're not true, and

    b. truly important people have much better things to do with their time.

    Smile and remember you have friends who truly care about you.  Besides, if they don't change their ways, karma will strike those harpies with a vengeance.

  5. You're doing pretty good with just ignoring them.  You can consult with a friend and talk about how you feel just to get all this stuff off your chest.  That might help with what they say not bothering you.

    In fact, you really shouldn't even bother with people like this because they ain't worth your time.

    If you act out against them, it's like your letting them get to you which is probably what they want.

    Try to find a different outlet where you can let out your fustrations like exercising or talking to family and friends.

    If they literally DO something bad to you like mess with your friends, things, family, etc, then I'd confront these people.

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