
How can i implove my knowloedge in ingles whiout teach?

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How can i implove my knowloedge in ingles whiout teach?




  1. I would learn one word at a time.  For instance: imagination...pick just one word and learn it well, it's meaning and pronounciation.  I would change your sentence to: How can I improve my knowledge in English without a teacher?  See the difference?

  2. I am trying to learn Spanish. I have been listening to spanish songs, listening to spanish podcasts, and watching spanish movies.

    It also helps to have conversations with someone in the language you are trying to learn. Do you speak Spanish? We could talk.. =)

  3. Sorry you will probably have to go to school at some point.  But, in the mean time try to communicate with as many English speaking children (they are more tolerant) as possible, watch English children's shows and try reading children's books.  This should help.

  4. This sounds odd but I would look at children's books, watch TV and even children's TV programs.  

    Habla espanol?  Creo que puedes leer libros para ninos y mirar el televisor, porque tienen muchas palabras que usan cada dia.  Tambien, puedes usar el Internet.  Usa, y ponga "free English lessons on the computer"  (leciones gratis de ingles de la computadora)  Buena suerte!

  5. Why don't you try reading comics strip written in english like archie's. Look for comics that is written in good english. Good Luck!

  6. just read english material more, listen more, learning to write more and of course, try speaking more although you might mistakes here and there along the way!

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