
How can i improve in my spikeing?

by  |  earlier

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i guess my problem is my approch to the ball as i am about to hit, my dad says i realy to much on my high instead of jumping high, well ok i know that thing is i try all those and the thing is that when ever i hit the ball, it either ends up being inches away from being in or its to the net, so any one have any sujestions on wat i should do?




  1. timing: go when the ball has hit it's arch after the set

    dont focus so much on your approachhe when hitting b/c your going to s***w yourself up getting confused and stuff

    just practice your approach and if you can try tossing the ball to yourself and doing your approach

    when you do go just shoot like a rocket and dont stop and jump high! use your arms to lift you higher and extend your arm

  2. If you have the opportunity, take the time to practice your approach and make it mechanically sound.  If you do that, then your approach will become habit/instinctive.  You will be able to see the trajectory of the ball, and guage the hit point.  One you figure where/when you want to hit it, the approach will happen on it's own.  

    I'm only 6'1 and I had a decent vertical, but that's not what made me approach and ability to place the ball was more important than any height I could reach.

    Take a tennis ball, make your approach, and throw the ball (using a spiking motion) over the net.  Repeat this to help your form.  Just get that approach down, and you'll see an improvement.

  3. 1. go in hard

    2. jump high

    3. reach

    4. follow through

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