
How can i improve my English?

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i am a student from china

now i cant speak to a foreign fluently

how can i do?




  1. Praise

     For you to improve your English skills (speaking and writing) fluently, you need constant practice. There are many things that can improve your English depending on your location and if its your first language. Also, there are learning tools that can be of help to you such as books,audio and video recordings, movies with subtitles, and seek means where english communication is possible to improve your speaking skills. Ensure to use english daily, attend english classes and keep reading to improve your english ability.

  2. Get a job at a UK call centre, you get paid too!

  3. The best way to learn a language is to speak it, so make some foreign friends, who speak Mandarin as well. Or you can get a 外國女朋友?

    Also, watch English films with Chinese subtitles, or a Chinese film with English subtitles, so you'll know some more English phrases. I've done that to improve my Mandarin, and it does help!

    These are just a few suggestions, there are many other methods you can try, but I hope these help!

  4. Can't help you there, I speak American.

  5. talk to me

  6. if your not from usa move here and pick up the accent, hire a language tuter, buy a english phrase book, it wont take long its much easier then chinease^^shes from england i guess if ur goin to usa take my advice

  7. you can talk to me, just e-mail me if you want to i am willling to help you!! i helped lots of friends with english

  8. Well you could try buying a manual, depends on where your from, if you want to speak better english you can only learn 3 ways.

    1st. Buy a manual

    2nd. Learn the Manual

    3rd. Speak to an english citizien

    Im english myself so i know that its ok if you dont understand english text or speech well.

    I hope this has helped

  9. firstly get some books on spoken english. Once you have read all stuff , try speaking with someone who can really help you in learning the language really well. Then improve you communication by reading newspapers,novels.This will help.

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