
How can i improve my eyesight?

by Guest66468  |  earlier

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my eyesight keeps getting worse every time i check-up, i also have astigmatism and i wear my glasses everyday, so what am i doing wrong? im only 13 so i don't think i can get laser yet, and i cant wear contacts because of my grade, i cant.. but i want to... yah




  1. My eye sight got worse each year too, but my wife started me on green tea instead of coffee. eyesight not improved, but not got worse in 3 years

  2. dont sit too close to the tv or the computer. Eat a lot of carrots and smoke lots of weed if you are okay with that

  3. There's a healthy, natural way to improve your eyesight... eat more carrots. As this article claims, "Eating carrots won't give a nearsighted person 20/20 vision. But carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A -- a crucial nutrient for maintaining proper eyesight." For more information, check out the source.

  4. Lutein,  which is in spinach, carrots, corn, most yellow and green vegs. Wear sunglasses with UV coating.  Polycarbonate lenses block it very well.  

    Rest your eyes, look away when you are doing close work to give them a rest.  

    I doubt you smoke, but this is another good reason not to.

    try- has alot of info

  5. At thirteen you are still growing and your eyesight may improve or may get worse as you grow.  I think genetics will play the biggest role in determining where it will be when it stabilizes as an adult.

    You can wear contacts at thirteen as long as your parents and eye doctor say that you can.  The youngest person I knew that wore them was in fourth grade.  They require more responsibility on your part to keep them clean and maintain good eye health.  If you think you are ready for them, then ask your parents about it.

    As for improving/maintaining your eyesight.  I can't guarantee these will work to improve your vision, but the exercise is still good for your eyes

    1) If you are doing prolonged periods of near work such as using a computer or sewing. then be sure to execise your eyes by staring at an object in the distance then switching your focus to a near object and repeating that process several times about every half hour to 45 minutes.

    2) Find an area that has near objects and distant objects that you can switch your focus on and remove your glasses for this one.  First focus on a near object, then is within your visual range then extend your focus to an object a little further away and keep swithing your focus to other objects in the room even if they are blurry.

    I know more than this, but have to be at work soon.  I'll try to post more this evening.

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