
How can i improve my hit?some exercices to spike with more force?

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How can i improve my hit?some exercices to spike with more force?




  1. step hop close just do and repeat!

  2. You can improve your hit by continuing to practice.

    Also make sure that you do a lot of jump tranining. Practice hitting against a wall, do your approach towards the wall, pretend the wall is the net, this will help you to make sure that you are not starting your approach to close to the net.

  3. take a volleyball in your spiking hand, get a good grip then throw it hard down on the ground with some distance thats a good exercise that helps, and you cant have wimpy wrists so make sure they are firm and then just jump and hit it as hard as you can!

  4. You dont really need more force. All you need to do is work on jumping higher, snapping your wrist, and making sure you are swinging through ALL-THEY-WAY- to your stomach and your hitting will improve big time!

  5. Concentrate on using good arm-swing technique.  With good technique, you can swing fast efficiently without putting too much stress on your arm and shoulder.  Your armswing should act like a whip.  Your arm is not all flexible like a whip but you still have several joins and members to work with.  Shoulder, elbow, and wrist.

    First, when you swing up your arms to spike, draw your hitting arm back placing your elbow, bent about 90 degrees, above and behind your shoulder.  Also, your palm should be facing away from your head.  

    Swing in your upper arm around your shoulder, then extend your forearm toward the target, and then snap your wrist when you make contact with the ball.  Do the three moves sequentionally and smoothly.  Your arm should be fully extended and straight when you make the contact but don't do it prematurely.  

    Remember to have your elbow swung in pointing where you hit before you extend and swing your forearm.  This helps your hits be more accurate.

    Best drill for developing good armswing is hitting the ball against the wall continuously without catching it.  The ball should hit the floor first and then the wall and come back to you and then you hit it again the same way over and over again.

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