
How can i improve my jab and cross shot for boxing?

by  |  earlier

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Its frustrating because my hooks are so much quicker and more powerful! My jab is weak and my cross shot is lacklustre with little chance of it really doing any damage.




  1. the jab is mainly a set up for a more powerful punch as when you jab you opponant he (should) defend by raising his arms to protect his face, thus iving you an opening for a rib crushing body blow as you said a big powerful hook! work on jab speed more than power OR try practicing switching to southpaw and using your right as a jab with a big left to follow? hope that helps

  2. first of all ask your trainer! thats what they are there for man. plus the jab is a power punch its just a set-up punch for the rest of your combo and to set-up your offense.  from all the fights i've watched maybe 2% of them i've seen a jab knockout and for your cross try throwing all your weight into the punch, which i wouldnt really do because if you miss the momentom would leave you open and you would must liking get countered. thats all i can think of right now, hope it helps man and good luck

  3. tie weights to your wrist.  Then jab jab jab.  Keep going.  10000 times + nothing else.  Then take the weight off.  Try it now.

  4. go to a boxing gym and start training with only strait punches and then only after you begin to master them you should include other punches

  5. It has been over 20 years since I stepped into a ring as a amateur boxer. But as Mickey told Rocky,"I have all this knowledge up here Rock, and I want you to have it". Just kidding.

        Hooks should be more powerful because, if thrown properly, you are pivoting with your hips bringing more leg strength into the punch. However the jab can be throw at different speeds. Thus keeping your opponent of balance and throwing his timing off. As for having a powerful jab that can do damage is very simple.(For Right-Handed Fighters) Make sure your left hand is always held approximately 12-15 inches away and very slightly below your left eye. Your right hand should rest lightly on your right cheek. This is an excellent defensive posture. While trowing your jab step into the punch with your left foot. Practice this on the heavy bag until it is a smooth process. Don't try for power at first. Consecrate on timing and precision. After this is achieved, go for more and more power.

       After your jab is thrown correctly work on the right. When throwing a right after a jab,slide your right foot up a split second before letting loose of the punch. It will provide more power and balance. Leg work while trowing punches is as important than proper hand work. Hands,legs and feet must work together fluently. Use all above on heavy bag,and shadow box in front of a mirror. Keep loose and always keep your hands up. Hope I helped.

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