
How can i improve my jumping for basketball?

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I reallt need to improve my jumping for my basketball game. i am 6ft 1 and a bit overwieght. i also have torn a tendon im my ankle in the past aswell as 2-3 twists/sprains.

can any one help?




  1. Squats - are an excellent strength building exercise that carries over well to increasing your vertical jump. You should aim to be able to squat a weight of 1.5 times your bodyweight for 1 repitition.

    Start stretching and foam rolling daily working mostly on the hamstrings, quads, hip-flex ors and glutens and calves. Simply use a towel to stretch your given limb to its comfortable limit for 10 seconds, then from the same angle pull/contract against the stretch for 10 seconds, relax and go back into the stretch. You should be able to easily improve range of motion, as this type of stretch tricks the body into giving up more flexibility! Repeat this sequence again one more time at the improved range. Stretch only after your work-outs, as research indicates stretching before an event or work-out actually decreases power output.

    Try walking around on your heels without letting the ball of your foot touch the floor. This will help to strengthen the tibalis anterior (commonly referred to as dorsi-flexors).

    Load your body with some weight before jumping, like jumping with a medicine ball. What happens is that your body will recruit more motor units in the working muscles, allowing the work to seem much easier when you don't have the weight, because you are now using more of them!

    You can also try the "unloading jump". Grab a pair of 10lb dumbbells (or any weight), hold them at waist level, quick step up to the rim to do a rim jump (counter movement jump); at the peak of crouch just before you would take off for the rim, drop the weights and blast off. The science behind this method is that when you load the eccentric contraction with more weight than the concentric (jump), you will be able to create more force. One set of 5-10 reps with this new drill will give instant as well as residual leap increases!

    Practice jumping off 1 leg, 2 legs, 1 leg reverse, and 2 legs reverse.

    Weight train, specifically your posterior chain muscles (lower back, glutes and hamstrings). Your posterior chain accounts for up to 80% of the force generated for your jump.

    Stand with just your toes on the bottom step of a staircase and move yourself up and down on just your toes.

    Realize if you use ankle weights, you must be careful that you don't use too much weight or you will stretch your ligaments which can end your career.

    Good Luck

  2. that previous answer was a great answer but i just barely started a program that i heard about by one of the questions on here and one week into it i have already gained an inch on my verticle. and its a free program thing. it shows you what the work outs are and how much of them you need to do each day. look for the program on line its called air alert 3. if you cant find it email me and i will send you the document. its great

    hope i helped

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