
How can i improve my lack of visionto study? i am a student in a namibian university?

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i am at the polytechnic in namibia. i feel in life i have no direction. i sometimes just dont know what to do. i started failing my subject very badly even through i am a good student. i just dont know what is wrong with me. my parents are boht working. when me and my twin brother grew up, i use to pass musch better than him and i was a good boy, now its no more the case. i started drinking and smoking and every thing just turn upside down. i really want to finish my study and start working,. help me . i am studying public management.




  1. Do what your heart says. You cannot do anything untill you like it. You should join courses you like.  Dont worry there is always a second chance. Try understanding your weakness in subject areas.

  2. Well, you're obviously unhappy about something in your life if you're drinking and smoking. What is it that you want to do hen you finish your studies? Is it related to your studies? Or are you studying only to make your parents happy?

    First of all, surround yourself with people who are smart and people who study, and get rid of the dead wood in your life (i.e. friends who drink and smoke). Then YOU have to stop drinking and smoking. Drining and smoking will take you NO WHERE in life, brother! I have seen too many people destroy their lives and lose EVERYTHING because of it.

    Then every morning when you wake up, tell yourself that you looove studying and remind yourself that once your studies are over, you will be able to do something with your life- work and make money, travel, study abroad... Others will look up to you because you did it! Hvae faith in yourself, little brother!

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