
How can i improve my reaction time and agility?

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i play judo and get into alot of fights so i need to know how to make my reaction time faster den 0.25 seconds and i need to improve my agility so i can move faster, can anyone help




  1. reaction time: hit the speed bag and double ended striking bag. one interesting exercise i believe it was jackie chan does in his training to help with reaction time(eye hand coordination) is playing table tennis

    agility: shadow boxing, jump rope, polymetrics  

  2. Here is a short article I wrote on the benefit of improving agility through martial arts.  You might find the information you need here:

    Increased Agility

    Defined: the power of moving quickly and easily; nimbleness: exercises demanding agility.

    Many types of martial arts incorporate training and drills that focus not only on increasing stamina and strength, but also agility. Once a technique is learned, it is safe to say that it is useless unless the practicioner can perform it easily, quickly, and effectively.

    This requires agility.

    Imagine you just learned a blocking technique and now you are sparring. Your opponent throws a typical jab at you. Now, unless you can proficiently perform your block, and do so quickly enough to catch the jab, you will be hit. This is just one small example of many that demonstrate the need for agility in the martial arts.

    Each time a technique is learned, it is practiced over and over. There are two main reasons for this amount of repitition. One is to have the technique committed to a subconscious level so that it can be performed without thought, and the other is to perfect it. This level of repetition also has another benefit which is increased agility.

    In addition to increasing agility through repetition of techniques, many martial arts focus on movement of the body. More specifically, footwork, avoidance drills, and body positioning. Fighting arts require an understanding of balance, angles, and positioning to gain a dominant position in which to fight and getting to your dominant position requires agility.


    As for some practical exercises, I suggest:



    -running through cones/tires

    -a focus on footwork---practice your movements slowly and repeatedly

    Hope this helps

  3. Work on a speed bag or a punching bag and you'll improve.  

  4. You 'play judo' and 'get into a lot of fights'? You mean judo fights, or just generally fighting with other people for no apparent reason other than you may have anger issues?  

  5. Do various forms of polymetric exercises and punching a speed-ball.

  6. Socalmark has it right!  To add to that: you have to practice a move 210 times before it becomes a muscle memory.  Then you can start getting faster with it.

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