
How can i improve my rhythm?

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How can i improve my rhythm?




  1. Sorry rhythm comes naturally. But Be like britany spears and take a grip of classes!

  2. Practice makes perfect.

  3. now we know how you got yer F****n name !!"£$%%

  4. A lot of practice at whatever you need rhythm for usually. Sometimes arcade dance games are good to practice on for some rhythm.

  5. if this is for volleyball, then just get a ball and hit it against the wall and just keep hitting with it and it will help. practice amkes perfect! also u could take eup dance. that REALLY helped me

  6. Practice. If you want better answers to your questions, add addition details, your question doesn't really relate to the topic, and it's hard for us to answer. Thnx.

  7. not sure....God gave Black people rythym because he f*****k e d up their hair.

  8. If you're referring to volleyball, it's simple - use the wall. Whether it's spiking  or receiving playing against the wall will only improve you. Send a bad pass or spike, that's exactly what you get back. Hit the ball the way you're supposed to and it's set up for another hit. Again and again.

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