
How can i improve my speed in ice hockey?

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ive just started ice hockey and i need to be a lot faster....can anyone help me? is there any exercises or drills or tips anyone could tell me? just anything really... i need as much help as possible. thanks.




  1. Practise to skate and dont be scared that someone will push you or you will trip this kindof stuff happens all the time in hockey so just try ur best and give it the best u got soo who knows you might become a hockey start

  2. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    Running a lot of sprints, running intermediate distance, stationary or regular biking, varying speed and distance and length of time. Various weight lifting exercises, not necessarily heavy weights though (lots of reps) Hopping on one foot and 2 feet over a fixed box or milk crate to build leg strength for explosive starts and speed. Hopping forward and backwards as well as side to side. (Ever see the snow skiers exercise?) For your shot, you need to do wrist curls..use a barbell with not too much weight 5/10 pounds (it's tougher than you think, you can build the weight up over time) and simply do curls with only your wrists, not moving you arms. Think of it like you are only holding the bar where your fingers meet your hand in a seated position with your elbows supported by your knees or use a broom stick/handle cut down to bout 2 or 3 feet and tie a short rope to it and add your weights to it and roll it up forward and backwards to build strength in your wrists, that is a great way to improve your shot and helps with a quicker release which is the key to scoring by being able to get your shot off sooner. Do a lot of calisthenics: especially lateral exercises (side to side) Push ups, sit-ups, crunches, jump rope, hop on 1 foot and alternate legs. Make sure you stretch everything before every workout to stay flexible and limber and to prevent injury. Load up on carbohydrates Pasta is a good example for the energy, as well as protein such as chicken. You don't want to eat to soon before working out or skating. And when you eat, do not eat "heavy meals" they tend to slow you down (while skating or just before, or training) Practice your shot by taking a lot of shots daily to improve your release and to be able to learn how to lift the puck and to be able to pick the corners of the net and stick handling. If you have a light weight, again 5 to 10 pounds you can practice stick handing by pushing the weight just like you would the puck, side to side always with your head up looking in front of you. That's another exercise that will help strengthen your wrists. Make sure to drink plenty of water within reason, before you work out and some during the work out, just enough to keep from getting dry mouth. Good luck and always work your hardest. Hockey is the best sport in the world, good for you! Watch the Red Wings and how they play, you will learn a lot .

    Let's Go Red Wings!!!

    1 week ago

  3. you dont need any exercises or tips you just have to skate faster you thick t**t ,lol

  4. Just work on skating and footwork.  Practice as hard as you can.  It's not about how fast you can stride, but how long your strides are.

  5. Squats. It'll work on your core (important for balance) and quads (important for that speed thrust).

  6. try keeping your skates  a little bit closer to eachother and take really quick strides than glide.

  7. Practice and dont be afraid to fall over. Youll get there eventually.

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