
How can i improve my sprinting?

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I need to improve my sprinting i got a important race in a week , i am already a fast sprinter but i need to get faster and im not sure how any suggestion would be good thx.




  1. ohhh.....yes! have i come across the right question or what.

    ok ill just geuss that you are doing the 100m and that you are doing some sort of training.let me take you through the basics first.there is form fitness and flow.that is what amkes a good sprinter the 3f's.form how you sprint really is what i am saying.just like every movement you do effects your speed.

    the most common mistake is heel on the ground,stand up on you tippy toes relax to the balls of your feet.THAT IS YUOR RUNNING STANCE.grand now i have that clear you try it.the second thing is your ready fot forward as they say.and place about 1/3 of your body weight on your backfoot.realise this onto your front foot when you,sprinting takes alot out of your body so you should do a thing called sprinting endurance.sprint 50 take it down to a walk again and again.this will give your muscles a break , and your heart rate a chance to go down then back up again with out breaking your pain barrier to much.flow is a very important aspect of your is all in your arms and your head .the faster you move your arms the faster you go simple as.your head should be pointing down.then up as the race go to half way here is where you should burst.that is as much as i know about spriting

  2. Your not going to be able to improve your acceleration or your top speed at all in a weeks time.

    However you could improve your starts (first couple steps) and your reaction to the gunshot. and you could train your post-top speed (you reach your top speed at around 60meters and everything else after that is speed maintenance)

    so here is what you can do:

    1. practice your starts. plain and simple.

    2. find a distance of about 250-400meters and start out jogging and slowly get faster and faster until you are at your top speed. once your at the point where you can go no faster then hold that speed for as long as you can while focusing on two things:

    form, and RELAXATION (don't tense up your body and face as if you are pushing a heavy weight. relax your face so your skin feels like jell-o)

    and do this 5 times every other day (and don't do it on race day or the day before)

  3. practice, practice, practice!

    if u r gonna run a 100 meter...practice doing a 200 meter.

    it will be easier that way.

    good luck!!!

  4. Get someto time you and run 55m every time you get a slower time than before to 10 push-ups.

  5. a week may be  not enough time for any real improvement but good  luck.

      a well know sprinter told of his 'parachute' he had fixed to his back like a knapsack. when he ran it filled it filled with air and slowed him down a fraction. Coupled with light but not too light weight  belts on his ankles.

      used over time his body  got used to the extra drag etc and his times began to  stabilise around others . he found when running without on a proper race he could achieve almost another 2 seconds on his time.

  6. Just practice run,, do a few rounds in the park maybe or (if you go to school) practice running at break or something,, just make sure you practice!!

    Gd luck and I hope you win!

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