
How can i improve my volleyball surve??

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i need help on my over hand surve.





    Hope this helps!!!

  2. the toss is everything in a good overhand serve! not too high, not to low, not to much spin and the right distance, is the key! once you have got all of these down you will find that ur serve wil be going fast, hard and over the net every time!

  3. You can improve your serve by practicing on it also by making sure when you toss it up in front of you it isn't too far from you or too high! Perfect Practice Makes Perfect! Once you get the toss down everything will be easy!!

  4. All you need to do to help your serve, is to PRACTICE!!

    Try doing a camp at school for Volleyball, or what I do is to go to my friends house, and practice serving. Aim high,and aim smart, and you'll get it sooner or later.

  5. practice makes perfect!!!

  6. Practice.

  7. First of all, you need practice. Second of all, you need  good upper body strength. I suggest doing sit-ups. Or you can do push-ups if that's what you prefer. But I've found that sit ups work better. Next, you need to work on your form. In the end it takes a lot of work, but it is SO worth it!

  8. Alright..first you need to address the problem. What's wrong with your serve??

    If it makes it to the net but not over, then your toss probably isn't high enough or your not putting enough power into it. If it's just going crazy, then try hitting it differently(if you hit open hand try closed, if you hit closed try open) Personally I would reccommend serving open hand. One thing that is really important is that you make sure you have enough power. Try lifting wieghts or doing push ups(ick I know) Other than that just make sure you follow through with your form and stuff. Make sure your hand is back, you have the right foot forward, and then just toss, step, swing. If you let me know more details I may be able to help more. Just remember the basics, and practice makes perfect. Good Luck!!!

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