
How can i improve on volleyball game?

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How can i improve on volleyball game?




  1. you should really practice a ton....and focus of the things you are worst at...and dont forget that getting better means lots of commitment, so dont give up easily!

  2. focus on the ball and practice at bending your legs to bump.

  3. A good way to practice around your house or at a gym (by yourself) is to practice serving the ball straight against a wall. Then when it bounces back you can hit it again and work on your aim. Another good way to improve is to practice taking turns bumping the ball and then switching to setting the ball and then back to bumping. Also, conditioning like running and agility on the court would be good too! Hope these tips help!

  4. Play club, get private lessons, and practice, practice, practice

  5. You should go in front of a mirror and practice your bumps in your correct form that will help you a lot with that. Or another thing that can help you with your bumping is getting a volleyball then just bump it to yourself but keeping your legs bent and be ready. To help with your sets make sure you practice a lot and make sure that you hit with your fingertips. Spikes are pretty easy to master you just have to learn the correct way to set it up and you have to have a good set so you can spike it over you should have someone set the ball up or just throw it up so you can practice. As your serves go if you can't serve overhand that's fine just try serving underhand. You have to master the easy stuff before the hard stuff... And the most important rule is PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. Good luck!

  6. Jump higher

  7. you have to practice alot!! you have to work on getting your overhand serve over and you have to work on controlling your passes.

  8. practice jumping for slams

    keep your eye on the ball

    practice your serve. when u smack it, try to spin it.

  9. wellll....depends what you are wanting to improve on.....

       -like if its spiking practice your approch or your jumping techines

       - if its bumping...try going to your local gym and practice not swinging your arms as much or whatever

       - if its setting practice making a triangle with the 1st 2 finge4rs of both hands

       -if it is serving(overhand) then lift some weights

    dont forget try finding a local gym to practice in!

  10. If you own a volleyball practice bumping the ball not high just a few time in a row, then for your serve find a clear spot on the wall toss it then smack it like you were going to serve it and for spiking and blocking do jump stretch programs or jump rope, or @ home find a high place on your wall mark it with tape, jump up and hit it for five minutes it will give you mussel and help in prove your jump. Good luck_______Mattie

  11. practice !

  12. While serving the ball better do under-arm serve and learn to spike and lift the ball.Concentrate on the ball.

               I had learnt it in about 3 months when i don't even no how to serve the ball and now i am good volleyball player.

               All the best.

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