
How can i improve this painting? ?

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any advice or criticism is appreciated!!!




  1.     The leaves are great and leave the canvas well but the tulip just touches the edge in an awkward way....expand it or shrink it. While the flower is nicely colored to be the center of interest it is always a good idea to repeat the red in small subtle ways in the leaves in order to unify the picture. The question mark stem could have another small leaf leave the canvas on top to break the over long stem. The calyx (partt where flower joins stem) needs to be larger and repeat some of the curves of the leaves in a smaller scale. Neat idea....just needs a little "tweaking" Good luck and good painting.

  2. its boring.

    maybe throw some color in the background.

    or put some extra vines around it.

    maybe put some thorns on the stem?


  3. i would put a really weak red wash on some of the background...and expand the flower

  4. that painting's really nice just the it is, but if you think you need to improve then look@the picture and see what else you could add to it.

  5. I think it's a very nice painting.  My only recommendation would be to use better paper.  You will have much better results and a much more enjoyable time if you paint on a heavier weight watercolor paper, that doesn't dimple and wrinkle from the water.

  6. dying tulips drop their petals and slowly end up with just the naked stem and center antenna things ...your pic is nice but there needs to be a stronger emotion coming from the flower...really look at a dying tulip in a book or in person and see what yours is missing....I feel gray right now but not death of summer.

  7. I would either add more deep values in the tulip to give it depth, or I would darken the background at least around the flower's blossom to make it stand out.  The background needs some variation.  See how this artist suggested depth in the background simply, while making the flower stand out:

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