
How can i increase my chances of breeding discus???

by  |  earlier

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Hi, ok i have a 45 gallon tank with 2 3inch discus,and I'm getting another 2 in a couple of weeks so then ill have 4 and some day id like them to breed so id just like to know how i can improve the chances of breeding such as...

.knowing weather their male or female

.how to create a good spot for them to lay their eggs

or anything else





  1. in addition to the above

    a 3 inch discus is ready to breed and will put unnecissary strain on the young female

    having done the research would have provided multiple account fo the same information, so you obviously aven't done it (as asking on YA! prooves anyway)

    but if you insist

    peat int he water as well as blackwater extract

    raising the temp 2-3 degrees

    PRISTINE!!!!!!!!!!!! water

    and doing a large water change right after (or during) a rain storm

  2. Good breeders have done lots of research, and have read plenty of websites and books.

    This here (yahoo answers) DOESN'T count.

    ENTIRE books have been written about Discus.  

    ENTIRE websites are devoted to the care, keeping and breeding of them.

    FIND THEM!!!

    If you aren't willing to spend a little time on learning, you shouldn't be breeding.

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