
How can i increase my endurance and speed for h2o polo?

by  |  earlier

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  1. All I can really tell you is to practice a lot. as for your sets for your endurance do like 10x200's on an interval that seems fast. idk how fast you are but try like 3:00 min to start, do this once or twice a week, along with your normal routine, and i PROMISE your endurance will increase. and for speed.. just do lots of sprints.. other than that speed and endurance will come with time

  2. practiceeeee

  3. All I can really tell you is to practice a lot. as for your sets for your endurance do like 10x200's on an interval that seems fast. idk how fast you are but try like 3:00 min to start, do this once or twice a week, along with your normal routine, and i PROMISE your endurance will increase. and for speed.. just do lots of sprints.. other than that speed and endurance will come with time :-) hope i helped

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