
How can i increase my s*x span at present i finish it in 10 mins..

by  |  earlier

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is there any way to increase the span..........pls suggest me




  1. keep practicing

  2. thats hot =)

  3. go fast and then like a few min before u think ur gonna *** you go hella slow so it can build back up. rinse, repeat

  4. my husband only lasts ten seconds.

  5. if you want it to last longer, don't think on how good it feels, just go slower,  and when it feels good, just go slower and stuff, the girl still loves it, and than when your finishing it, just give her h**l!

  6. If you want to last longer,, you need to think of something else,,breifly  

  7. Believe it or not, polls of women find that the ideal time period for s*x is somewhere between eight and thirteen minutes.  Sounds like you are right on target.

    Now that's the s*x part.  Foreplay should go much longer.  My sweet hubby has been satisfying me for 30+ years and his foreplay usually starts by saying something really s**y to me like, " Honey, you just relax.  I'm doing the dishes tonight."  I got hot just typing this!!!  :)

    Good luck and stop worrying.

  8. think of something other than how good it feels

  9. you need to practice and control yourself!

  10. Is your s*x span any better during the day?

  11. practice, practice, practice.  

  12. Why would you want to last any longer then that? We woman have sh*t to do!

    Get it in, get it off, and get it out!

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